Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hello my peoples.....from blizzard town.

Well, we are finally starting to dig out from the nasty ass blizzard type weather that hit us and shut down the whole town for the last 2 days......

So, tonight will be my first night of work this week.....the last 2 nights are the first shifts we have been closed due to weather since I have worked there, which is a little over 2 years now.

It was nice to have a couple extra days off, but it will suck for the weeks paycheck.....because weather days are, of course, not paid.

I havent done much over the last couple days, mainly sitting around and watching dvd's and waiting out the storm.....thank goodness I had stocked up on smokes/food/pop on Friday morning before this whole weather thing happened.

A very positive thing is that since I was home, I did get to talk to Miss Megan twice yesterday....and she was sweet enough to call back for a third chat, but I was already asleep....dammit. I will be trying to give her a call this evening before I go in to work......after all it is less than a month away when I get to spoon with her lucious self!!!!

By the way, I finally went to Builders Warehouse today and bought some sand-tube things to put in my trunk....have to weight down the big Crown Vic so it goes better in the snow...noticed a huge difference on the way home, so it was probably a good idea.

Need to give Mistershawn a call too, havent talked to him since Thurs or Fri......that is too long, now that I am back in the mainstream and all about the communication.

By the way, our pic for the day is Ruth the former singer for Lords of Acid....I have been listening to their classic album "Lust" a lot lately.......it is killer, if you havent heard it, you should. I know she is looking all 80's with that hairdo, but damn......just listen to her vocals on the song "I Sit On Acid" and that will make you a fan.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sunday afternoon already

Well, it has been a nice little break from work, but it is now Sunday afternoon already........that means back to work tonight. Damn.

I almost wish we wouldn't have had this break, as it is going to be tough getting back in the 12 hr day routine (assuming of course, that the OT is still being offered thru the end of the year). I will be doing a mere 8 hr shift tonight, and then if all pans out, back to 12 hr days the remainder of the week.

This holiday from work was nice, but I didn't do a whole heck of a lot. Wednesday morning after work, a bunch of us went to the Dome Lounge to hang out for a bit and have a few beers....that was fun.

Wednesday night, Josh and I headed back to Oxford.....slept, did some fun laundy type stuff, ate way too much on Thanksgiving day, then headed back to Kearney on Thursday night.

Friday and Saturday didn't really do anything at all...watched some dvd's, played on the PC way too much, slept a lot, and that was about it.

Still playing phone tag with Miss Megan....we haven't had a real live conversation in several days now, which is a bummer.....I did get a voice mail from her about 11:15 this morning (I was sleeping) have tried twice to reach her back, but just getting voicemail. I am getting kinda antsy/nervous/excited/all that--as I will be seeing her in person coming up here very quickly....less than a month away now.

I did talk to Tom Haerich in KC this wknd, that was cool....havent talked to him in a while...he seems to be doing well. Sounded like Amy had fun in Salina over the holiday...she had a chance to see Hope and probably some other names from the past...but haven't gotten another update from her yet.

Hope all is going well for everyone.....I am going to run out to the store.......ran out of paper towels......that is just a bad thing....gotta have paper towels for microwave cookin', right?


Currently listening to: Sleaze comp cd I made.....good stuff.
Going to watch: Disc 2 of My Name Is Earl (episodes 5-8)

Hope's eyeballs on Turkey Day

Amy snarlin' on Turkey day

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

31 days til' Miss Megan

A mere 31 days left until I get to see/spoon this lovely young lady!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Bono is more than a bit full of himself

From yahoo.com -

Bono says he'd rather be remembered for his music than his activism. A dedicated lobbyist for the world's poor and
stricken, the U2 frontman told CBS' "60 Minutes" that "I think my work — the activism — will be forgotten.
"And I hope it will. Because I hope those problems will have gone away," he said in an interview that aired Sunday.
Since 1999, Bono has helped persuade Republicans and Democrats, presidents and lawmakers, to provide millions to help end the scourge of AIDS, eliminate poverty in Africa and forgive Third World debt.
The Irish rocker also predicted that his music will still be around in 100 years, explaining that his songs occupy "an emotional terrain that didn't exist before our group did."
And Bono said he has no intention of slowing down. He noted that people in rock 'n roll burn out at age 40, and said he wanted to see if his band could continue making "extraordinary" music.
"You know I'm still hungry," said the 45-year-old winner of 14 Grammy awards. "I still want a lot out of music."

Okay, a while back on here, I admitted to Miss Sparky (who is a devout U2 fan) that despite my constant slagging of the band to her over the years, I actually do enjoy some of their songs....stuff like Sunday Bloody Sunday, a bunch of the Joshua Tree album, etc.

But, these kinds of comments by their idiot frontman just really prevent me from liking them that much.....................I know, I should just enjoy the music and get over it......but hell, this fucktard is always showing up on tv or in the newspaper spouting some idiotic nonsense about how revolutionary U2 are.................makes you want to smack him in the forehead (or fivehead, as he has a big old noggin)......and say "hey, douchebag......it is a rock band....not rocket science"....I mean hell, I am sure their recordings move some people, but some people are equally as moved by WASP's debut album.......I mean hell, the song "I Wanna Be Somebody" from that record is highly motivational.....much more so than something like "Angel of Harlem", which is supposedly a romantic little ditty that Bono wrote to announce his love for a young Hispanic Boy in the ghetto of New York City.

Anyway, you all knew he was an idiot, this is just more fuel for the fire.


Countdown to xmas vacation....32 days til spoonin' with Megan!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Good Morning From Nebraska

Good morning. Well, I blew it again.....was supposed to chat with Miss Megan last night, but I didn't wake up until about 2 in the morning, so I figured that was probably a bit late to call.

It is now almost 8 in the morning, and I will probably stay up until around noon or so, then go back to sleep so I am fully rested for going back to work tonight at 11.

What did I do from 2 until 8 you ask? Downloaded more and more stuff, believe it or not.....I am just on a downloading binge or something, keep finding cool out of print stuff that I havent heard in a long time, so it is pretty groovy for me....I finally figured out how to really use the bit torrent stuff, and it is just killer....you can find almost anything you can imagine....I have filled up almost 100 gigabytes worth of stuff in the last couple months....damn! That is a lot of stuff.

OK, I will get kind of deep and thoughtful on you here for a minute........

Talked to Miss Megan the other day, and we were both saying stuff like "oh, can't wait to see you at xmas" and that kind of thing. Which is very true....I can't wait!!!!!

Then, I busted out the inevitable......saying, damn it will be weird having to sit there and watch you with your boyfriend/roommate dude/man/significant other kinda guy.....whatever.........see, I haven't talked about this on here, but Miss Megan is currently living with a dude.....and has been the whole time since we started up talking a lot almost a year ago.

From everything I can gather.......doesn't really sound like it is much of a relationship....more like a roommate/convenience/friend kind of thing......but the point is that over the holiday visit, there will be times when that guy is there and I will have to behave pretty much the polar opposite of how I will feel......which will be kind akward, but I can pull it off, no sweat.....

The thing I am worried about is Miss Megan/Sparky's folks......are they going to be thinking something like "damn.....that Unklebry is a rat bastard, trying to hook up with our daughter while she is living with another dude" or something like that.......knowing her mom a little bit, I imagine she will be nice about the whole thing, cuz she is just a nice person....at least she has always been super cool to me......but I don't really know the Pops.....so that one is gonna be tough to call.

I am also worried about lil' Tony busting out something about how me and Miss Megan are always on the phone.....I can just see him making a comment about that while the significant other is around....potential for a weird moment there, huh?

Anyway, not really worried too much about this, but it has been on my mind....you know running thru the head while I am at work doing my repetitious manual labor throughout the evening......like I said, I think I can handle the situation, just don't want to cause any drama for anyone.

****But seeing Miss Megan, and getting a chance to hang out with her....and SPOON!!!!! will make anything that happens worthwhile!!!!****

I will get to hang out/visit with Mistershawn and Miss Sparky for the first time in a year, and get to see and make a fuss over lil baby Lola for the first time ever.....this is going to be a happenin' holiday! Hard to believe that it will have been a year since I went to San Antonio for xmas......seems like yesterday, as I still remember every darn little detail of that trip....I hadn't seen them for over 3 years.....and it felt like we had only missed a day...........which reminds me, I also need to give them a call today, haven't talked to either of them in several days.

Right now I am listening to a Henry Rollins spoken word show recorded on 1.18.95 in Stockholm...over 3 hours long....man, the internet is a wonderful thing, being able to get stuff like this, right?

I finally put a counter on this page, it is hidden, but I can access the number of times it is accessed daily, weekly, monthly, etc.....and I am averaging about 20 hits a day!!? Who are these people checking out my ramblings? I wish they would leave a comment and at least say hello, that would be nice.

I am going to get off here for the moment and go make a pot of coffee.....

BTW, our pic of the day is the lovely Miss Megan and lil' Tony (who is dressed up all snazzy in old school gangsta threads)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Social Distortion rocks a whole bunch

So, I finally learned how to use bit torrent downloads, and what is one of the first things I get? The mighty Social Distortion...Live in OC DVD.....this thing just whoops ass.....Mike Ness is getting a lot older, but this dude whoops ass over 99 percent of the bands coming out now.........

I also finally got a copy of the old Kid Rock CD "Early Mornin Stoned Pimp"....the one he self released prior to the release of Devil Without A Cause....good, good stuff.

Not a whole hell of a lot else going on as of late, worked a 12 hour shift last night, doing the same thing tonight.....planning on pulling 12 hour shifts thru Saturday......but we will have to wait and see....as it is I have worked 200 hours in the past 3 weeks.....which is kind of a lot. Sucks being a broke ass ninja....but by the first of the year, all my old ass bills should be all paid off and done with......cannot happen soon enough for me, being in debt just plain blows.....

Havent had much time as of late to converse with Miss Megan, we have traded tons of voice mails, and had the occasional quick conversations, but no long in depth storytelling kind of talks like we used to have, I miss that : ( Oh well, have to make up for that at xmas when we finally get to see each other!

I am off to take a shower and all that nonsense...get ready to go back to work again.

Much love to all my peeps....

Listening to: Skid Row - Subhuman Beings On Tour - Live Japan Only CD

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Damn, first entry in several days

What up true believers?

It is currently late Saturday night/Sunday Morning...3:14am to be exact, as I start this post.

Slept a large portion of the day, got off work at 7am Saturday morning, finishing a 68 hour work week, which is good, as OT pays nicely, but doesnt leave a lot of time for much else, like entertaining all of you. I will probably work the same schedule next week, as long as the OT remains available...........we will see.

Friday morning a bunch of us from work went out and got liquored up after work....not really drunk or anything, just 4 or 5 beers each in the 5 hours we were there.......well ok, the lightweights left after like 2 hours, but most held out til noon........ended up having a hella good time. See above for some documentation of our drunken antics......and damn,what is up with my eyeballs in that pic, I look like I have crazy huge bug eyes or somethin? Kind of wrong, but oh well........... (())damn the pics wont load, will try to add them later(())

I will have to take a break from this post in a few, right now I am downloading episode 6 of My Name Is Earl....the best TV comedy in years.....so I will have to watch that right when it finishes....

Josh got kicked out of the roomate situation he was in, so for the moment he is staying with me....oh boy. Tonight was the first night for him being here, wasn't that big of a deal, we watched Napoleon Dynamite together and laughed like little kids, as it is that kind of movie....then I was showing him some of the other stuff I have downloaded, and he was off to sleep.....with our work schedules being so different, I really won't see him much during the time he is here, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.................we will find out and I will keep you updated.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Testing site feed for Yahoo

Just testing the rss feed for my yahoo page.