Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Social Distortion rocks a whole bunch

So, I finally learned how to use bit torrent downloads, and what is one of the first things I get? The mighty Social Distortion...Live in OC DVD.....this thing just whoops ass.....Mike Ness is getting a lot older, but this dude whoops ass over 99 percent of the bands coming out now.........

I also finally got a copy of the old Kid Rock CD "Early Mornin Stoned Pimp"....the one he self released prior to the release of Devil Without A Cause....good, good stuff.

Not a whole hell of a lot else going on as of late, worked a 12 hour shift last night, doing the same thing tonight.....planning on pulling 12 hour shifts thru Saturday......but we will have to wait and see....as it is I have worked 200 hours in the past 3 weeks.....which is kind of a lot. Sucks being a broke ass ninja....but by the first of the year, all my old ass bills should be all paid off and done with......cannot happen soon enough for me, being in debt just plain blows.....

Havent had much time as of late to converse with Miss Megan, we have traded tons of voice mails, and had the occasional quick conversations, but no long in depth storytelling kind of talks like we used to have, I miss that : ( Oh well, have to make up for that at xmas when we finally get to see each other!

I am off to take a shower and all that nonsense...get ready to go back to work again.

Much love to all my peeps....

Listening to: Skid Row - Subhuman Beings On Tour - Live Japan Only CD


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