Sunday, November 13, 2005

Good Morning From Nebraska

Good morning. Well, I blew it again.....was supposed to chat with Miss Megan last night, but I didn't wake up until about 2 in the morning, so I figured that was probably a bit late to call.

It is now almost 8 in the morning, and I will probably stay up until around noon or so, then go back to sleep so I am fully rested for going back to work tonight at 11.

What did I do from 2 until 8 you ask? Downloaded more and more stuff, believe it or not.....I am just on a downloading binge or something, keep finding cool out of print stuff that I havent heard in a long time, so it is pretty groovy for me....I finally figured out how to really use the bit torrent stuff, and it is just can find almost anything you can imagine....I have filled up almost 100 gigabytes worth of stuff in the last couple months....damn! That is a lot of stuff.

OK, I will get kind of deep and thoughtful on you here for a minute........

Talked to Miss Megan the other day, and we were both saying stuff like "oh, can't wait to see you at xmas" and that kind of thing. Which is very true....I can't wait!!!!!

Then, I busted out the inevitable......saying, damn it will be weird having to sit there and watch you with your boyfriend/roommate dude/man/significant other kinda guy.....whatever.........see, I haven't talked about this on here, but Miss Megan is currently living with a dude.....and has been the whole time since we started up talking a lot almost a year ago.

From everything I can gather.......doesn't really sound like it is much of a relationship....more like a roommate/convenience/friend kind of thing......but the point is that over the holiday visit, there will be times when that guy is there and I will have to behave pretty much the polar opposite of how I will feel......which will be kind akward, but I can pull it off, no sweat.....

The thing I am worried about is Miss Megan/Sparky's folks......are they going to be thinking something like "damn.....that Unklebry is a rat bastard, trying to hook up with our daughter while she is living with another dude" or something like that.......knowing her mom a little bit, I imagine she will be nice about the whole thing, cuz she is just a nice least she has always been super cool to me......but I don't really know the that one is gonna be tough to call.

I am also worried about lil' Tony busting out something about how me and Miss Megan are always on the phone.....I can just see him making a comment about that while the significant other is around....potential for a weird moment there, huh?

Anyway, not really worried too much about this, but it has been on my know running thru the head while I am at work doing my repetitious manual labor throughout the I said, I think I can handle the situation, just don't want to cause any drama for anyone.

****But seeing Miss Megan, and getting a chance to hang out with her....and SPOON!!!!! will make anything that happens worthwhile!!!!****

I will get to hang out/visit with Mistershawn and Miss Sparky for the first time in a year, and get to see and make a fuss over lil baby Lola for the first time ever.....this is going to be a happenin' holiday! Hard to believe that it will have been a year since I went to San Antonio for xmas......seems like yesterday, as I still remember every darn little detail of that trip....I hadn't seen them for over 3 years.....and it felt like we had only missed a day...........which reminds me, I also need to give them a call today, haven't talked to either of them in several days.

Right now I am listening to a Henry Rollins spoken word show recorded on 1.18.95 in Stockholm...over 3 hours, the internet is a wonderful thing, being able to get stuff like this, right?

I finally put a counter on this page, it is hidden, but I can access the number of times it is accessed daily, weekly, monthly, etc.....and I am averaging about 20 hits a day!!? Who are these people checking out my ramblings? I wish they would leave a comment and at least say hello, that would be nice.

I am going to get off here for the moment and go make a pot of coffee.....

BTW, our pic of the day is the lovely Miss Megan and lil' Tony (who is dressed up all snazzy in old school gangsta threads)


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

You rule in more ways than you can imagine.

9:52 AM  

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