Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sunday afternoon already

Well, it has been a nice little break from work, but it is now Sunday afternoon already........that means back to work tonight. Damn.

I almost wish we wouldn't have had this break, as it is going to be tough getting back in the 12 hr day routine (assuming of course, that the OT is still being offered thru the end of the year). I will be doing a mere 8 hr shift tonight, and then if all pans out, back to 12 hr days the remainder of the week.

This holiday from work was nice, but I didn't do a whole heck of a lot. Wednesday morning after work, a bunch of us went to the Dome Lounge to hang out for a bit and have a few beers....that was fun.

Wednesday night, Josh and I headed back to Oxford.....slept, did some fun laundy type stuff, ate way too much on Thanksgiving day, then headed back to Kearney on Thursday night.

Friday and Saturday didn't really do anything at all...watched some dvd's, played on the PC way too much, slept a lot, and that was about it.

Still playing phone tag with Miss Megan....we haven't had a real live conversation in several days now, which is a bummer.....I did get a voice mail from her about 11:15 this morning (I was sleeping) have tried twice to reach her back, but just getting voicemail. I am getting kinda antsy/nervous/excited/all that--as I will be seeing her in person coming up here very quickly....less than a month away now.

I did talk to Tom Haerich in KC this wknd, that was cool....havent talked to him in a while...he seems to be doing well. Sounded like Amy had fun in Salina over the holiday...she had a chance to see Hope and probably some other names from the past...but haven't gotten another update from her yet.

Hope all is going well for everyone.....I am going to run out to the store.......ran out of paper towels......that is just a bad thing....gotta have paper towels for microwave cookin', right?


Currently listening to: Sleaze comp cd I made.....good stuff.
Going to watch: Disc 2 of My Name Is Earl (episodes 5-8)


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Awww now pops, you are supposed to say I look slim, trim, and fit....not that I look like a make a dude fell all bad about himself....way to knock down my self esteem, what a parental thing to do.

5:38 PM  

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