Monday, November 21, 2005

Bono is more than a bit full of himself

From -

Bono says he'd rather be remembered for his music than his activism. A dedicated lobbyist for the world's poor and
stricken, the U2 frontman told CBS' "60 Minutes" that "I think my work — the activism — will be forgotten.
"And I hope it will. Because I hope those problems will have gone away," he said in an interview that aired Sunday.
Since 1999, Bono has helped persuade Republicans and Democrats, presidents and lawmakers, to provide millions to help end the scourge of AIDS, eliminate poverty in Africa and forgive Third World debt.
The Irish rocker also predicted that his music will still be around in 100 years, explaining that his songs occupy "an emotional terrain that didn't exist before our group did."
And Bono said he has no intention of slowing down. He noted that people in rock 'n roll burn out at age 40, and said he wanted to see if his band could continue making "extraordinary" music.
"You know I'm still hungry," said the 45-year-old winner of 14 Grammy awards. "I still want a lot out of music."

Okay, a while back on here, I admitted to Miss Sparky (who is a devout U2 fan) that despite my constant slagging of the band to her over the years, I actually do enjoy some of their songs....stuff like Sunday Bloody Sunday, a bunch of the Joshua Tree album, etc.

But, these kinds of comments by their idiot frontman just really prevent me from liking them that much.....................I know, I should just enjoy the music and get over it......but hell, this fucktard is always showing up on tv or in the newspaper spouting some idiotic nonsense about how revolutionary U2 are.................makes you want to smack him in the forehead (or fivehead, as he has a big old noggin)......and say "hey, is a rock band....not rocket science"....I mean hell, I am sure their recordings move some people, but some people are equally as moved by WASP's debut album.......I mean hell, the song "I Wanna Be Somebody" from that record is highly motivational.....much more so than something like "Angel of Harlem", which is supposedly a romantic little ditty that Bono wrote to announce his love for a young Hispanic Boy in the ghetto of New York City.

Anyway, you all knew he was an idiot, this is just more fuel for the fire.


Countdown to xmas vacation....32 days til spoonin' with Megan!


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