Sunday, December 11, 2005

Another Sunday afternoon....another post.

Hello everyone....another Sunday afternoon, time for a post on the ol' blog.

Had a very nice weekend....kind of short (worked Saturday), but nice a relaxing and whatnot....Saturday at work ended up being really cool.....the best work day I have had in a long time, we got to listen to a good radio station, only cool people were there working, and I got to take hella long breaks (which is always a good thing!)

I am psyching myself up to venture out to the dreaded Wal Mart for groceries.....hate going there on Sunday afternoon, as that is when all the annoying people show up and make the place a crowded hellhole.....but what is a guy to do, right? The older I get the more I am starting to dislike big crowds of annoying a big crowd of hottie girls, or something like, but no the annoying people that hang out at Wal Mart....

Anyway, our picture of the moment is from a Lords of Acid show.....gotta love those guys, right? Anyway, I am off to get groceries, will post more when I get back.


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