Monday, January 31, 2005

Hello everyone. Greetings from Shitsville!........okay, not really, just wanted to say that, as I just finished listening to the song "Greetings From Shitsville" which is, of course, done by the Wildhearts, the greatest band in the world. Anyway, not a lot of time today to write, leaving for work in about 15 minutes. Let's see........since I wrote last night, I drove to work, worked from 11pm until 11am, stopped at Sonic and snarfed down a burger and fries, finished the drive home, went to sleep........woke up, showered, sat down here to do kidding, that was my day.......not much excitement, huh? I am not working late tonight......I will go to work, do my regular 8 hours and then come home and do a little work on the auctions and all that.........Cool to see that Miss Megans Momma is now reading this................who will be next? Seriously, if anyone else does read this thing, feel free to drop a comment on here and say howdy or something. This may sound mean, but I just have to mention it.. we have a girl at work who must be from another planet or something..........she is huge!......not really fatty huge........but like linebacker huge...her back is about twice as wide as mine and she must be at least 6'2" or something........and you should see the huge head on her........she is super nice and all that......but really, really strange to look at............If Mistershawn and Misssparky read this, sorry I havent called........have been without cell for a few days.......not that I havent thought of you or anything. Todays pic goes back to Reno......Unklebry and Heather getting ready to say goodbye in the smoking lounge of the Reno-Tahoe International Airport.........kind of a shame that I didnt like her at all when I lived there..........used to think she was just a bitch, and always laughed at that stupid dirty blue coat she insisted on wearing every day.......when Mike Perkings started dating Amber, we did end up hanging out a few times and got along really well.......but then I moved to TX and kind of forgot about her.......then about what? Like a year later, her sis Holly calls my cell phone out of the blue and we chat, then Heather pops on the phone to say hello, then we end up talking on the phone for several hours a week, then hanging for a wknd in Phoenix, then hanging in Reno............just wacky how stuff like that happens.......I remember being really bummed last time I went to Reno.........she had a boyfriend.....we hung out for a few drinks and went out to eat and all it was still cool..........damn, havent talked to her in forever. Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Well, finally finished up 99.9% of all the packaging of stuff to ship out.......only have 1 left to do, and I ran out of customs I will pick some up tomorrow when I stop by the post office and then get that one finished tomorrow when I wake up. Didn't get any of the listings done this weekend that I wanted to, so I will work on them off and on through this week and hopefully have a mega-listing to go up next Sunday night. For this week, I will just lower prices and relist the stuff that no one bought last week.....easy enough to do and doesnt take long at all....much faster than creating new listings. I am a happy boy today....while cruising thru the Metal Sludge bulletin boards, I found a link that someone posted to several live Wildhearts shows that I can download......yippee!!! As you all know, the Wildhearts are my favorite band of the moment. They should be huge in the US, but dorky kids of today would rather listen to crap like Linkin Park than real rock.....dammit, it just isn't right. Anyway, I am downloading a show right now, but on my slow ass dial up connection, it will take probably all week before I finish getting everything I want off of this site. I have about an hour and a half before I get ready for work.......going to do those re-listings of unsold items and maybe burn a new assorted music CD to listen to on the way to work today........Tonight on the dinner menu ...ha ha won't believe it, I didnt even know they made it....Chicken Helper.....basically it is like stove top stuffing that you throw chunks of chicken into....I thought it was very tasty and ate quite a bit, but damn.....another Helper meal! Who woulda thunk also came with some type of gravy stuff, but that didnt look so tasty to me, so I left it alone. Young Waylon has went back and started playing GTA: Vice City.....guess he is tired of San Andreas already and needed a change of scenery. Josh and Sheila are both at work today, so nothing new from them......I actually see them for a grand total of maybe a half hour every week, so maybe they are doing funny crap I could report on and I just dont see it......hmmmm, have to get with Dad and find out the entertaining news. Dad is doing okay, he was travelling for work most of the week, so I didnt see much of him either. I did get to see him a little bit today, we talked about how sad it is that Waylon is so far behind in school......Dad actually went out and bought a Cat In The Hat book to sit down and read through with Waylon, it is really sad when I think about his age, I was reading novels and had subscriptions to several magazines that I read cover to cover every month, and here is a kid that can't read something intended for kids 5 years younger than him........I am sure a lot of it goes back to Sheila and Janett.....I have never once seen either of them reading a book, the only thing they read is the Wal-Mart flyers in the paper every week to see how much they will save when they go load up on junk they have no use for. I dont know what the hell they would do without a TV......probably just sit in a chair and veg out all day.....I can see either of them actually wearing an adult diaper and just shitting themself so they didnt have to get up and walk to the bathroom..........well, maybe that is a little extreme of a thought, but probably not that far fetched. My good buddy Mistershawn will probably read this and he will be happy to know that I tracked down the Jay-Z "Grey Album" for can be downloaded from this site.... Yep, good lookin' out from Unklebry, huh? I am just thoughtful like that. And the lovely creature that is pictured in todays blog?? Yep, it is Paris all decked out in her Sunday best........I dont care if she is a trampy, lazy-eyed freak, I think she is hot and just wants to be held. Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Just got home from work.........not a bad week, ended up putting in 56 hours again this week.....that makes 2 weeks in a row of 56, maybe next week I will shoot for 60 hours........looks like we will keep having overtime available for at least a while, which is a good thing. Today I have to get even more packages ready to ship out on Monday, not sure how many left, but around 20 or so......probably take a couple of hours......then I will start trying to do my huge auction listings for this week......want to post a ton of them and clear out some of the stuff I have sitting here that I have been meaning to list, but just havent gotten around to it yet......still have about 50 or so LP's that I got direct from Alternative Tentacles Records that I need to get listed.......the list just goes on and on......oh well, something to keep me occupied, huh? I hope all reading this are having an outstanding weekend..........mine is just beginning, and I should probably lay down and get some sleep, but dont really feel tired right now......ended up having an easy night at to run a single deck mold (which means that the shit was easy and I didnt have to work very hard)......should be on that same thing on Monday, (okay....late Sunday night for all you people with normal work schedules) so that will be cool, probably try and pull a 12 hour day to start off the week right. Still havent received my other W2, dammit.....wanted to get my taxes done this weekend......maybe when I pop down to the post office here ina little while, it will be there waiting for me........that would be cool. I plan on getting a decent size refund, as I worked a lot of overtime last year, and they tax that pay at around 40%, so you are supposed to end up getting about 5-10% back........especially because from September thru the end of the year, overtime pretty much dried up, so my annual income ended up being less than the projected income I was being taxed on while working all those mega-hours............anyway, enough about that.....I am going to drain the weasel and smoke a fine blend of domestic and Turkish........maybe I will do another post when I get done..........but then again, maybe I wont.......leave me comments, I need attention. Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005

Johnny Cash ruled. End of story for the moment.......going to get some sleep....hope you enjoy the pics for now. Posted by Hello

These belong to someone we all know.....hahahaha from a long time ago......when I received this pic via email, I think I lived in Reno.......can't believe I still have it........don't ask me who it is.........I wont tell. And no..........not Michelles, or any other of the lusty young ladies that I have dated or hung out with or anything like that. Posted by Hello

Amy loves the metal.........although she never answers her phone, and rarely takes the time to write a real email, rather she just forwards jokes that others have sent to her, which, although thoughtful, doesnt have the personal touch.  Posted by Hello

By the way, if you didnt know, The Wildhearts are one of the mightiest bands in the Universe. Posted by Hello

Unklebry and Ghetto Monkey Meghan throwning down the mighty horns of metal! Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 27, 2005

some things suck

Just a thought........some things suck.

End of blog for the day, going to work now.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Going to take a shower!

Okay, not much time to write anything worthwhile tonight, just finished getting 21 packages ready to ship out....have about 20 or 25 more to do over the next couple, fun, fun! I found this song today, and it made me think of Sparky........It is called "The Greatest Song Of All Time"....Sparky, if you read this, you have to download it...someone took a catchphrase that you know very well and turned it into a little song.......not the greatest piece of musical genius ever, but pee-your-pants funny, at least in my opinion......weird link....the page will sit there for a second, then it will populate the link to click on where you can download the song....... here is the link Worked a 12 hour day yesterday....might end up doing that again tonight.....if I do, it will be working 11pm tonight until 11am in the morning.....we will see if it is offered...and then see how tired I am at that time.....who knows. BTW, Amy, if you read this, go ahead and register, it takes about 90 seconds, and it is your cheap ass (ha ha) can leave me some comments......anyway, I am going to take a shower....perhaps I will spend some extra time soaping up my naughty bits.........perhaps not.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Well, ended up getting about 8 hours of sleep, which is pretty good. I went up to the gas station and got a 44oz fountain pop, so I am all set to watch some tv for a while, then package up a few records to mail out...packages going to Australia, Denmark, Belgium, and even a few within the USA.....seems that folks who still buy metal albums on vinyl are mainly outside of the United States.......oh well, doesnt bother me much, just more paper to fill out, as you have to fill out a customs form whenever you ship packages outside of the States. Janett is currently whipping up another of her culinary it is chicken helper.........hahah, no kidding---last night hamburger helper, tonight chicken helper, what will tomorrow bring to us? Perhaps pork helper? Maybe even lamb helper? Not sure what other kinds of meat can be helped by noodles and flavor packets......hopefully she will not turn to the dreaded tuna helper....that stuff smells like an old ladies dirty drawers.....I dont want to smell that crap. Saw a cool picture of our Commander in Chief with his 2 daughters.........and I cant remember her name, but the blonde slutty one who is always getting boozed up in Austin is showing the world just how much she loves the metal.......which is kinda cool.....just after holding up this hand sign, she yelled "I fucking love Slayer.......aahhhhhhh REIGN IN BLOOD" or something to that is the pic.  Posted by Hello

Unklebry with Stacie, the queen of pedicures in San Antonio Posted by Hello

Time for a smoke-Xmas 2004 Posted by Hello

2 AM and nothing is happening

Finally got some damn rest. Slept for about 13 hours straight, woke up feeling pretty good...have a fresh pack of smokes and several cokes in the fridge to get me through till morning when I will attempt to go to bed and get back on my normal sleep schedule......we'll see if that happens.

Work was okay...ended up working 24 hours in a 32 hour period....that damn near wore a brother out...especially when you throw in the 2 hours of drive time, that only leaves 6 hours for recovery, but oh well, I am a greedy bastard and when they are paying me time and a half, I will pretty much do anything (well I won't gobble a knob or anything....but you know what I am saying)

When I woke up I discovered that Janett had just crafted one of her culinary delights....the tasty, but not very popular Philly Cheesesteak flavor of hamburger I scarfed some of that down.

Didnt see much of the family unit today....Sheila was at work, Josh was also at work, Waylon was learning new hooker beating techniques on GTA: San Andreas, Janett was busy sitting in a chair, and Pops was watching tv...he did have me look up the Powerball numbers drawn today to ensure that none matched his............they didnt.


Feel free to download and listen to the song below while you wait for is Iron Maiden and Jay-Z mixed together, works very well and I like should too.

Okay, I have returned.....the fine blend of domestic and Turkish tobacco was most refreshing.

Not a lot planned for this next week....hopefully this sudden run of overtime being available at work will continue....if so I will be spending a lot of time at work, which would be a good thing. I also hope to get my W2 from work this week....received my other one in the mail today (Saturday), want to get my taxes done and get that refund least I hope to get a good size refund we will find out before too long.

Well, enough of a post for today...I am sure some of the family unit will do some stupid stuff for me to write about tomorrow....

By the way, figured out how to post pics on here, so if this long post is the only thing that shows up on your screen, scroll down........or use the links to the right side of the page.

Unklebry and Miss Sparky (and the pea...who remains hidden at the moment in very own mini-swimming pool) Xmas 2004 Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Unklebry and mistershawn lay down the pure rock fury-Xmas 2004 Posted by Hello

Friday, January 21, 2005


Okay, just got is 12:30pm CST, worked from 11pm last night til 11am today, then the hour drive home........reporting back to work tonight at 7pm working til 7am........I will be a tired ass ninja, but it does end up giving me 16 hours of overtime during Fri/Sat, which is a good thing.

I will write some more on here tomorrow, too damn tired to be witty and clever today. I will try to catch 3 hours of sleep, then bathe and off to work again.

Mad love to all my peeps.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Gonna learn how to use this thing right

Okay, I will spend some time here this weekend figuring out all the nifty features of this blogging to post pics, do some snazzy style graphics and all that nonsense. I know right now it is about as visually appealing as an old ladies deflated funbags, but it will get better.......(I hope)

I will be chronicling the life of myself (Unkle Bry), and my crazy white trash style family in rural Nebraska.....(okay, the Father in this story is also a normal human.....but the rest of the crew.....straight out of the trailerparks of Oklahoma)

The cast and crew......

Unkle Bry...your host. A charming fella, currently 33 years old (unless you are a girl who meets me out at a bar or other social function, in that case you will be told I am 26). Former White collar a down and dirty blue collar worker, manufacturing medical delivery device components for most of the major drug companies (Pfizer, BD, Tyco, etc). No girlfriend, just basically living and working, and selling off my old record collection on ebay. Not a very exciting life, but very interesting surroundings that you will get to read abou.

Dave....The Father figure....great guy, smart, hard-working, fun to be around.

Janett.....Daves Wife....crazy as a loon, not very bright, thinks the mighty Unkle Bry is possessed by demons, but on the positive side does possess a 6th grade education courtesy of the Oklahoma public school system.

Josh......Janett's son, currently 19 years old and a Junior in high school (what does that tell you) Fancies himself to be an expert mechanic, his improvements/repairs to vehicles have cost the Dave approximately $2500-3000 in the past few years, since they have to be followed up on by an actual mechanic. Josh did land a job at an auto parts store, so now he will become even more of an expert.

Sheila....Janett's daughter....I believe she is 31, bot looks to be more like 40. I know that isn't nice, but know what they say about the truth and all that. She does have an exotic taste in men. I know this as she had me personally use the internet to locate photos of several of her friends currently enrolled in the Oklahoma State Penal System in some career path called "meth related drug arrests". I was shocked to see the mullets that some of these fellas were sporting.....but Sheila informed me just how hot these guys were. I can see her point, when they are released they have a great future in the pharmaceutical industry.

Waylon....Sheila's son...I believe his is 11 years old....currently in the 4th grade (I think)...should still be in the 1st grade at most.....cannot read or write at all....this is very sad to me, and I have tried having talks with him about how important it will be to be strong in reading, math, etc when he gets older....but he simply will not listen to me. He is becoming fairly adept at Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas......perhaps he has a future in stealing cars and beating up hookers.

Samuel....Sheila's other son...only about 1 1/2 years old. I won't write much about this little guy, as he is too little to know better when he does stupid things....but when he starts to throw tantrums and misbehave, both Janett and Sheila have discovered that if they turn on the vacuum and let it run, he becomes scared and shuts up. That should speak volumes about the parenting skills that they both posess. This is their only use for a vacuum, as neither of them is much for cleanliness.

Okay, now that we have set the stage for out little soap opera on the net..........stay tuned for regular updates.

A Beginning

Here is my very first entry on my own blog spot. How nifty.