Thursday, September 29, 2005

My kitty friend.

This is my little kitty friend. He must belong to a neighbor or something, but some mornings when I come home, he runs over to greet me and we hang out on the porch for a while. I pet him and he purrs like crazy and rubs against me. It is kinda nice to come home to the kitty every now and then. Yep, that is my sappy sentimental scroll down and check out some boobs and stuff.

Another Reno Pic..Unklebry and Shaquille Dalal

This was taken at a NAACP function that we both attended in Reno...some hottie sisters put on a fashion show at one of the casino showrooms, had a good time, except I went with another co-worker named Cynthia Oceguerra and she was an evil bitch, only I didn't know it at the time. But....this night I did hit a royal flush on a quarter video poker machine...won like 1200 bucks, which was cool. Please note the chin scruff which was just starting to grow out at the time. Shaved and grew it out again 2 or 3 times since then....currently shaved plans for it to return.

Unklebry and Mike Perkins (Twitch) In Reno

This is an older pic from the Reno days. Me and Mike Perkins in Gators (I think that is what it was called....if I remember right...the club below Eddies Fab 50's on the strip).....this is back when Mike was still fun before he turned crazy and made a half assed attempt to off himself while visiting in San Antonio. He was a good guy at this time....the way I want to remember him.

Josh's jizz rags

If you read the blog often, you will recall the story of Josh leaving the mess under the end table in the family room in Pop's basement, I told about cleaning up that room and finding all his jizz rags and the tube of lotion under the table. Well, here is the photographic evidence of his ropy jets of jizz flying into the kleenex's. Yep, couldnt resist snapping a pic of the evidence of this dirty deed(s!!) and posting it on here, well finally got around to posting the pic, so here ya go!


Here is a boobie pic for everyone. This is Teri she was showing her boobies at a bar in Oxford..........and boobies are always fun. Cannot really tell from the pic, but we have something in common. We both have our nipples pierced. The wacky facts you learn at the bar, huh? The blonde girl to the left also showed her funbags off, but I never did end up getting a frontal picture of hers..........which is unfortunate, as hers were my favorite of the two pair of funbags. Oh well, you can't win them all, right? But boobs are boos, and I know everyone likes to ogle a pair every now and then, so I decided to slap them up on the old blog and see what kind of comments they get. Stay tuned for some more pics from the old camphone....but be patient, I keep getting errors when uploading today for some reason, so it may take a bit to get them posted.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Skillet turns a million and one today! Happy Birthday girly!

Good morning

Hello everyone, what the heck is up?

Not much here, just finished eating a fine meal. Had a 1/2 pound chicken quesadilla hot pocket and a fairly large portions of cheez-it's washed down with a tasty orange soda.

Now I am playing a few hands of free online poker at it is pretty fun, although I consistenly get my ass beat.

The mighty Skillet from Kansas checked in on the blog again today to say hello, so that was cool.......she thinks no one knows who Skillet is???? I think a few folks here will remember who had that nickname back in the day.......if you remember her, drop a comment on here so she can see it and feel the love.

The picture for this morning is Lita Ford's sweet ass from back in the Kiss Me Deadly era............there was no finer metal chick at the time than Lita. Come to think of it, I can't think of a finer one since then.........yeah there have been finer looking girls, but not metal chicks. Although the singer for Drain STH was pretty damn close. I remember seeing them open for Machine Head/COC in Lawrence, KS and being like "whoooahhh". Had seen them before opening for Type O Negative, but was pretty far away--at this show I was up close and loving it. Anyway, this is Lita's fine ass, enjoy it.

Miss Megan, my own current personal Lita Ford (you know chick you dream about from afar) is supposed to be dropping by here today to have a read............we will see if she does. Hope so....she rocks so much, it is almost unbelievable.......I need her to send me some more pics to my new email address.............hopefully she does, that would make Unklebry a happy boy.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Skillet checks in .....word. We ran into each other at full speed once.

Hello world, I just woke up. Slept for a solid 8 straight hours today......that is a good thing, as I was tossing and turning like crazy yesterday. Feeling much more refreshed and ready to take on the day and all that crap.

The pic to the left is Pink........yep, her out by a pool somewhere, showing off that lucious booty of hers..........aww yeah.

Got some comments on the blog today from Skillet! Hadn't heard anything from her in ages, so that was pretty damn cool. Hopefully she will continue to drop by and say hello and read my stupid blog entries. Hey Skillet, remember the time when we both were running full speed to catch a person with a question and ran smack dab into each other? That shit was funny.

Anyway, time for me to grab some food, back in a bit for more typing.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Forgot to post this

This is one of the funniest prank phone calls ever..........a guy puts an ad in the paper for a "black metal lead player" if you don't know what black metal is, you probably shouldn't be reading this.....but anyway, this is one of his responses....hahahah you have to check this is a myspace page and the audio will load and automatically start playing.

Click here

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Earl rocks.

Just finished watching the entire premiere episode of "My Name Is Earl" that I mentioned below. This show is going to be huge. Hands down the funniest thing on TV since the debut of "The Family Guy" If you missed the debut, make sure you start tuning in weekly. This show is going to be the success story of the season..........yep, I am talking CSI/Desperate Housewives kind of numbers on this one....................think I am wrong? Just wait and see. This is going to make Jason Lee a household name (which he should be already based on his performance in Chasing Amy), and that is a good thing. Just check out the pic and you know that the show is gonna be good. The odd thing is that he bears a striking resemblance to someone I work with..........won't mention any names, because I am not sure who all reads this from work, but it is an uncanny likeness. Anyway, check this show out, you will kick yourself in the ass later if you miss it.

Went to a party last Saturday night......

And like the Lita Ford song, I didn't get laid, but unlike her..........I also did not get into a fight. Had a good kicked back relaxing time hanging out with some peeps from work, and met some new folks......we pretty much sat around talking, listening to music and laughing, so it was pretty laid back and cool. This little gathering was for Nikki........who is pictured on the right.......she is getting ready to ship out this next week for basic training in Great Lakes, IL....I keep telling her that joining the Navy, she will undoubtedly return as a lesbian, but she doesn't believe me. We will wait and see. Also pictured with her is her younger sister, and I feel bad, but heck....can't remember her name.

I took a couple other cam-phone pics last night, but somehow forgot to press the save button after snapping them, so they are lost, and this is the only pic that I have, oh well. I ended up bailing around 1am and coming home and going to sleep.............I wasn't too liquored or anything, ended up having maybe 7 or 8 beers over the course of the night, so that wasn't too bad at all.

Quite a change from my normal "hermit" role of coming home from work and staying inside until I leave for work again on Sunday night.........but it was a good time, maybe being sociable every now and then is a good thing?

Just finished burning a DVD of the premiere episode of Jason Lee's new tv show, My Name Is Earl....already watched about half of the show just on the pc, and it is great............hopefully this will push Lee to the A-list kind of star and he can star in Kevin Smith's version of Fletch........he would be perfect for that part, can't imagine anyone else who could pull it off even half as well.

Oh, and as an fyi, I went out to pick up the Mallrats special edition DVD that is loaded with all the cool extras this weekend.........and it is sold out in Kearney, NE...........serious, not one place in town has any copies left.......I have to wait until next week..........shoulda just ordered it online.........oh well, I can wait a week. I will just re-watch disc 3 of the Clerks X set.........the documentary on Clerks is great.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Remember how great this song was?

Remember when this first came out? This song and video both rocked very hard.

Music Video Codes By FileFactory

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The new Clutch album whoops much ass!

Well, I am in the process of listening to the new Clutch album, called "Robot Hive/Exodus".......this album whoops all kinds of ass. I really this this my favorite thing they have put out since the S/T 2nd album.

This album is not as straight forward heavy as some of their past stuff....a lot more of an old school blues influence on this one....which I think is very cool.........and for me, a big surprise.

I can't say enough good about this album....from the opening track "Who's been talking", which is pretty much a straightforward old school delta blues sounding track, 2nd track "The incomparable Mr Flannery" is more of the traditional Clutch sound of hard rock/funk/rock all thrown in a blender and coming out oh so good. The whole dang thing is good, no filler at all here. One of the first records I have heard with no crap/filler tracks in a long, long time.

Get this record at all costs. Midwest Master of Metal..........I will be sending you this in our next cd will dig it, it is good, good stuff.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Well, time for my Wednesday

Well, I was a sleepy fella today, fell asleep somewhere around 10am and just woke up about 9pm....dang..........that is a lot of sleep.....but a brother is now feeling pretty well rested and ready to go be a slave to the man.....time for me to jump in the shower and wash my grubby carcass then head of to work.....will be trying to give Megan a call, but will probably get voicemail and end up talking to her in the morning....we have been much more active morning talkers than evening talkers as of late. At least I still get to talk to her, which is one of the highlights of my day!

Our picture of the day is yet another one you have all probably seen before, but I like it so I am posting it is Unklebry and Miss Sparky at the San Antonio airport when I was getting ready to fly back to Nebraska.


Monday, September 19, 2005


Hello Team Members...........

Yep, if you are reading this, you are officially a member of Team Unklebry.

Doesn't that make you feel special?

Anyway, not any real exciting news to report, just want to start making a point of at least 1 post per day............going to eat some grub, try and give Mistershawn a call, then grab some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.


BTW, the cool pic of the "Boss" chick is a line drawing by my fave artist, Coop........he is doing a painting of this that is like 10 feet tall.......looks very very cool in color, but I grabbed this pic, as the huge painting is not yet finished.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

An old pic - Unklebry and Mistershawn last times!

Last xmas in San Antonio..........a great time!

courtney love(s cookies and cake) looking good

Kurt ain't dead, Courtney ate him.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I am all the way live

Good morning everyone.

Well, I am now fully wired into the net in Kearney now. Got my system all hooked up yesterday and I am good to go.

Mistershawn, if you are reading this, I am still having a problem with my email not working....I will be calling them to check on it later today, and will give you a call tonight with that email addy.

I have found the greatest online radio you can click on the sleaze radio link and hear all kinds of good stuff that you haven't heard in ages, or more likely, have never heard. I heard a Rogue Male song earlier..........havent heard them since the High School days.......that was cool.

Anyway, off to run around the far reaches of the net, will post again here in a little while.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I will be back this week!

Ok, so I have not been posting much as of late....sorry about that. I haven't been returning to Oxford on the weekend as often as I used to, and not having an internet connection in Kearney made it impossible for me to post from there.

Monday morning, 9/12/05 between 8am and 10am, I am scheduled to have my net connection hooked via Charter High Speed Internet, which will be a good thing. You can look forward to many long, rambling posts from Unklebry as I finally move the mobile mansion into the modern age.

I know, you are all kinds of anxious for me to get posting, but it is only Saturday (okay, technically it is really early Sunday morning), so you have a little while to, to hold you over, I am going to post a link so you can check out a song...........the band is called The Speed Queens, and they don't exist anymore, but this song reminds me of "Stations Of The Cross" era Johnny Thunders mixed with a little bit of Jeff Dahl in a mellow mood.........the song is called "All The Young Dudes Are Dead"..........check it out HERE

I found this song on Sleazegrinder's website, you should also check out that, the best music site I have ever found on the net. Click here for the site.