Saturday, March 26, 2005

2nd try on this pic...dammit. Posted by Hello

Can a brotha get a table dance?

Sorry for the crappy quality of the pic above, but it was the best I could do, having to take a pic of a picture with the cam phone and then email it to myself.......this is the best it could get.

This pic was taken several years ago when I lived in San Antonio and came to Nebraska for Xmas.....then rented a car and drove down to Kansas to hang out for a few this pic from left to right we have: Josh (the wild dude who always nails all the hot chicks....including Jessica Thomas......the punkass), Paul (the Midwest Master Of Metal), Amy (also known as Lixxgirlz...currently licking away in Florida), and Connie (who at the time was the object of Amy's mad tongue..hahah).

Can you believe I slept for almost 16 hours last night.........a brother must have needed a battery recharge or something......didnt realize I had slept so long, woke up and looked at the was 12:45 or something.......thought it was afternoon, then turned on tv and realized, nope....slept thru the whole damn day........havent done that for quite a while.......when you are in the basement rec room/bedroom with no windows and no noise, it is easy to sleep pretty much forever........the only bunk thing is that I missed out on talking to Miss Megan.....tried to call her on the off chance that she would still be awake, but nope......just got voice mail and then dropped a couple text messages on her.........hopefully she wont think I am weirdo stalker boy or anything.

Mizz Sparky made an appearance commenting on the blog, kind of chastising me for not having made a post since last Sunday.........I havent been extremely busy or anything, just kind of lazy and sleeping a lot.

I have been thinking about Mizz Sparky and Mistershawn a lot lately, they are about to have the baby (well, she will have it, he will stand there and stress out and yell at the doctors, telling them how to improve their baby delivery skills......hahah j/k Chief!). Has to be a very nervous/exciting time for them.......they will have a little creature who requires much more time and attention than the 3 kitties...........and I bet they will do a super job at raising up the little one........I already know this kid is going to be spoiled rotten, but hey.......that is a good thing, right?

Spoke very briefly to JPA, the Midwest Master of Metal........seems all is going good for him, he works a lot and then does the family time thing, so not a lot of time left over for much else........I know that feeling (well, minus the family time) is funny how we can just pick up and start talking about people/stuff/whatever and time will seem like it has stood still for the past five years or so.......just pick up right where we left off, I think that is pretty cool. Sent him a bunch of links of cool crap to download.......bunch of songs and stuff, I think he dug a few of them, and a few I think he thought were crap.....but he seemed really happy to get the Love/Hate album "Blackout In The Red Room" which is a killer album, and way out of can get it on ebay if you want to pay an arm and a leg, or you can just download it for free, since Jizzy (the singer) has put it up on the web for free download.......what a nice fella, huh?

And hey, JPA....if you are checking this out, here is where you can get the complete 10 song Gene Simmons demo of Van Halen........for those not as knowledgable as the Midwest Master of Metal........before Van Halen got signed, Gene financed a demo for them and this is it......grab all 10 tracks at this site.......

Not a lot else going on here in the bowels of Nebraska........gearing up for the move coming up way too quickly.........going to get some packing/sorting/throwing away/ kind of stuff done this weekend in advance........look at me all trying to be prepared and stuff.

I have Monday off at work, it is a paid Holiday, so that is pretty happening........and then I am going to try and be lil worker boy next week.......hopefully I will be able to do at least 3 of the 12 hour days and then 8 more on Saturday........but we will see what happens.

And in case I hadnt mentioned it before, Miss Megan pretty much is the center of my attention away from work lately.........funny how close you can feel to someonw when your only contact with them is over the telephone and via text messages..........but it is happenin'.....I like being able to grab my cell phone and see "megan-new text" blinking on the screen and knowing it will be some sweet or silly msg from her........just makes my day. Anyway, enough blabbering on about her, she knows she rocks.

I will probably write a bunch more on here throughout the weekend, when I am taking a break from doing the whole auction listing thing.......actually have got quite a bit done on those over the past few days, so Sunday night I will be launching the mega listing......aww yeah.

And hey, just for shits and giggles, here is a song you need to download, it is killer, by the son of an outlaw is Shooter Jennings (Son of Waylon Jennings) doing a song called Busted In Baylor County and I think it is the shit!....grab it here.. Shooter for now........I went to get the addy of the file and they have redone the website and it isnt there too bad for you, at least I got it....we will have to have another track for download today...

How about Johnny Cash doing "Ring of Fire".....another classic you should all have already, but if there are any slackers who don't have it, you can grab it here

And if that track isnt cool enough for you, here is another soon to be classic.........the almighty Jeff Stryker (film star moving on to a career in singing) doing his Country Classic, Pop You In The have to hear this, the funniest damn thing........

And how about 1 more for today...........this time some METAL \m/ Aww yeah, here we go with Anthrax covering "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath".........I originally got this on the cassette single for the song "Indians"........still have that damn thing somewhere.......anyway, killer version of this song......

Have fun kids..............drop a homeboy a comment or two and let me know someone is actually looking at this thing every now and then.

Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tooling for a warm teabag

Hello everyone......sorry again for the lack of blog entries.......a ninja has been kinda busy and just overall slacking on stuff as of late, so here is the quick 5 minute update.

Move to Kearney is still a go....will be making the move right around the first of the that will be cool, basically adding an extra 2 hrs of sleep/do whatever time to my day that I normally spend driving in the car.....right on.

Work was kinda crap last week, Friday and Saturday I was doing shit work......running crap with just god awful raw fun at all........but hey, that is how it goes......hopefully all will be cool this week, could use a few days of stuff running smooth with no problems.

Didnt accomplish half of what I wanted to do this weekend.......wasted basically all day Saturday afternoon/evening dinking around downtown......but I did learn a rocking new (to me) card game, kind of a cross between poker/rummy/and blackjack if that makes sense......still dont have it 100% figured out, but it was a rocking good time trying to learn how to play it.

Missed a day of talking to Miss Megan on Saturday.........which is sad, talking to her at 9:02 every night is pretty much the highlight of my day.......but we chatted for a while this afternoon, and will be talking again tonight on my way in to work, so it is all she sent me a new pic and that always makes me smile.

Janett made up some rockin bbq chicken breasts tonight.......that was killer, although the side dish of the ghetto-ass mac and cheese wasnt that great.........but hey, the bird was great and that is what counts, right?

Not much else going on........going to have to start getting myself motivated this week and try to accomplish some packing of crap so I will be ready for the move the end of the month.......damn, it will be cool to be moved in there, but the actual process of moving is no fun at all, I will be glad when it is over and done with.

Signing off for now, and just an fyi, 6 days til' Motorhead.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Lazy Ass Unklebry

Good morning, how the heck is everyone?

I havent been updating much at all lately.....need to try and motivate myself to spend at least 10 minutes or so as soon as I get home from work to check in and update this space......that isnt too hard, is it? Nope, didnt think so.......

Not a lot going on at work the past week.....havent worked any daily overtime hours, just standard 8 hour shifts, but I will be working Saturday, so at least I will have 48 hours in this week, then the following week is a short week for the Easter holiday........I am all about the holiday happening.......get paid for it, but get to sit my lazy butt at home........awww yeah.

Mistershawn hasnt updated his Gentleman of Leisure page in about a week........if you read this, it is time for some news, biznitch! (j/k about the biznitch part) but, you can feel free to hook a brother up with some of what is happening down in South TX.

Mark, from the Gay Cowboy Shirt Mafia, checked in again on the comments section, so that is a good thing......I need to go work on setting up more crap on the whole myspace page thing......maybe I will get to that this weekend.......then again, maybe I wont, too much crap to get done with packing up crap and all that........we will see.

Yep, the big move is happening in a couple weeks..........going to rock the mobile mansion in Kearney........kind of a dump, but clean and least for a while until I get some of my stupid ass debts paid off.......then I will probably move on up to the East side with George and Weezie.......

It has been cool hooking up with JPA, the Midwest Master of Metal........after we get talking for a bit, it is almost like no time has passed......but man, had been what? Like five years or something since the last time we had talked........pretty fun to bring back up the old stories......we had some wild times back in the day................and some just plain stupid fun.......dont think I will ever forget sitting on his front porch in the middle of the night trying to outdo each other in the comedy department.......we would record ourself and then play it back and be laughing so damn loud, his mom would wake up and come out and yell at us to shut the hell up...........ahhhh good times. Nothing like like imitating King Kong Bundy and Dark Veta.........hahaha.

I have actually knocked out some auction stuff the past few days.......not as much as I want to have done........but I plan to complete the hella big mega auction listings this weekend........try and have one big blow out before I move..........just have to discipline myself to sit down in front of the computer and do goofing about wasting time........haha, or I will have to open up a can of whoopass on myself.

Not much else going on at all, except for my daily obsession with Miss Megan........I think there have only been 2 nights in the past 3 weeks that we havent talked on the phone, and still not sick of each others voice yet..............weird, huh? Especially because normally I am not that big of a talk on the phone kind of guy.........but with her I can't help it.........then on Sunday, we werent talking on the phone all that much.........nope, instead we are on Yahoo Messenger talking all day........and on the phone when I would go outside for a smoke break..........I must be hooked.

Sparky, if you read this..........your flesh and blood has me wrapped around her lil finger.

Word, Metal, Hella, Write Comments and stuff, Unklebry out.

Our pic of the day is the mighty Ruyter Suys from Nashville Pussy....of course they rock.

Our download song for the day is the mighty Cardboard Vampyres.......which is a side project of Billy Duffy (The Cult) and Jerry Cantrell (Alice In Chains) along with John Corabi and a couple other dudes......anyway, here they are covering Sabbath's mighty Hole In The Sky...remember it is a live boot, so sound quality isnt excellent, but it is free, so dont complain

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Smell my finger!

Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Gay Cowboys and Midwest Master of Metal

This pic was found on Mark Matich's myspace is Jason Fiske, Mark Matich, and some unknown dude (in a cowboy shirt) Thought it was too funny they are called the Gay Cowboy Shirt Mafia.

I havent updated on this blog for shit this past week........been a lazy real excuse, but here I am on Sunday, ready to rock.

Well, first thing is that I didnt beat last weeks work schedule.......did a mere 52 hours this week, which was all that was available to me.......dammit. I was hoping to score 64 at least.......but as you know, The Man will hold us down and oppress us with fewer overtime hours....we will see what this week holds.

2nd thing is that I did find a place to live in Kearney, put my deposit down on it yesterday and will be moving in on/around April 1st.......not anything fancy, but it is clean and will do the job for the next year while I work on/finish paying off all of my old debts, so that is cool......when I finally get all relocated, it will also save me a little over 2 hours drive time every day, which will be happenin'.

3rd thing is finally reconnecting with The Midwest Master of Metal, Paul Anaya........he tracked me down thru this blog and we have been able to talk on the phone a couple times now........hella cool to play catch up with him and all that............but you know we are getting old when we spend more time talking about 401k plans and mutual funds instead of talking about banging chicks and, he has grown up a lot---married and has a boy, Cameron, who is 2 1/2 already.........hard to believe Paul being someones Dad.......but it is cool hearing him talk about it....he will do it well.

MizzSparky should be popping out that lil bundle of joy, Lola, here before too long........wish it would happen soon, as the poor girl is at the point she cant get hardly any sleep at night.....maybe Mistershawn needs to give her a lil sumthin' sumthin' and that will prompt the baby to come out faster? hahahah you laugh, but remember.........worked for Misha, mere hours after the banging, she popped the kid right out......who knows?

I havent accomplished dick on the huge mega-auction listings I wanted to get done this weekend......maybe I have adult ADD.......cant find a way to get myself focused on one task and complete it......dammit.

And finally, we come to Miss Megan................

I am hooked on her........cant help it...the other night, we didnt get a chance to talk on the phone and I was all jonesin' "uhhhhh...need to talk to her..uhhhhh" That isnt normal for me....but we have been chatting on the phone every night for a few weeks now, and it is the bright point of my day. I only wish we lived closer to each other.......I mean, 5 hours isnt really that far.........but damn...if it was only an hour or something.........I would be a wreck, driving back and forth constantly...haha

Megan has the combo that I just dont really find in ladies, and here is what I mean.

1)Hottie......that is always a good thing.
2)Doesnt hate my stupid interests.......rare that she doesnt tell me my music/books/movies, etc are too stupid and I need to grow up.
3)Smart........finally someone who looks good who is intelligent! This is the hardest part to find.....usually you find bright girls who are all ugly, or you find hottie girls who are dumber than a when you find both things in
4)Freaky/but not too much..........hahaha yep, she a lil' bit of a freak, but not constantly........which is cool, she knows how to turn on the goodtime-party-fun-wild-girl mode, but also knows when to turn that switch off, another rarity.

Okay, enough swinging from Megan's sack..........(well she doesnt have a sack....but you know what I am saying......) Just boil all this stuff down into the idea that I am really into her, and that is a good thing.

Well, it is almost noon, so I have 6-7 hours to try and tackle some of this auction listing stuff.......I am off to call Miss Megan (again..hahah cant help myself) and get a bigazz 44oz fountain pop, then get started with the auctions........

Drop me some comments and stuff, a brother get lonely out here in the Wastelands of Nebraska.

Posted by Hello

Friday, March 11, 2005

Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates this week, have been busy with all kinds of crap..........will try to make up for it this weekend. Here is a new pic of Miss Megan, taken with the handy camera phone.......ahhhh technology.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Damn, the power of the blog. Got an email from The Midwest Master of Metal himeself....the might JPA ........not sure where the hell he is, if he is still in Salina or what.......but will soon find out when he answers my email or damn cool is that, you write about a guy in a couple of blog stories and he finds you......that is pretty rock and roll. The thing that is even funnier is that name he used to post the comment with is a name that I recognize from we have probably both been posting on Sludge and just didnt realize who the other was.........crazy.....oh well, not much else to say, as usual getting ready to head for work, 32 minutes until I call Miss Megan......and of course, we are now down to only 18 days until the mighty Motorhead show! Posted by Hello

Monday, March 07, 2005


Hahaha Buttocks.

Well, not much time for a post tonight......already 8:35 and I need to get going to work here in a few minutes........worked 12 hours last night......trying to top last weeks 60 hour total, so we'll see what happens.

Miss Megan started her new job in Wichita today, will be speaking to her in a mere 27 minutes to find out how day 1 went.

Going to pay my crazy $200 wireless bill after work today.......and cancel the stupid web browser feature.......which somehow I failed to disconnect one night and was logged on for 400 minutes........genius move.

Not much else happening today, and it is already time for have a good one.

Motorhead countdown---19 days!

Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Ladies Of UnkleBry Volume IV--Kristen

Okay, time for another entry into the series.....I give you.........

Ladies Of Unklebry Volume IV--Kristen

This goes back to the era of living in Salina, KS. I was working as a Program Manager at ITI Marketing Services. Kristen was working as one of our Quality Assurance Reps.....I knew who she was from many years before, her sister and I shared some common friends...but now she was older and we worked together.......

Nothing exciting really, just laughing and joking about some of the common people we knew, and getting along well at big thing........then, one night, something happened.......

Several of us from work had adjourned out to one of the local evening hotspots....this night we went to either Randy's or Rumors.....cannot remember which one......but anyway, it was the regular old gang from work....Me, Mistershawn, MissSparky, and a few other assorted folks, but this time Kristen showed up. As the evening progressed, we ended up sitting next to each other in one of the booths, and before too long, we were pretty liquored up (big shocker, huh?)

Kristen starts kneading my knockwurst underneath the table and I am all like "damn.....not expecting this, but rock and roll!" Anyway, we swap spit for a while at the bar, and then comes closing time......what to do now? Cannot go to my place, as I was living with Michelle at the time (I know---naughty boy, sinner, whatever....) and we couldnt go to her place as she lived with her on again-off again boyfriend/ex-husband but getting back together we had a little bit of a who do we turn to? Mistershawn and MissSparky.....they are kind enough to let us tag along back to their apartment and allow us to hang out in the living room while they adjourn back to their bedroom.

Kristen doesnt waste much time engaging in useless conversation, she promptly lays a few kisses on me and then gets down on the floor in front of the couch, tugs my shorts off (dont ask me why I remember this, but I was wearing a rocking pair of "House Of Pain" shorts that night)..and starts playing a tune on the ol' flesh flute. She proceeds to say some really nice things like "it's so big" and all I know this is not true, it is no size monster, but a dude really likes hearing all that kind of crap.......anyway, lets just say that this girl must have attended Flesh Flute Juliard or something..........the most adept, skillfull, enthusiastic player of the flesh flute I have encountered to this day.....just pure rock and roll.

Anyway, we proceed to undress the rest of the way, and her boobies are great...just a killer set...(cant really tell it from the pic, but believe me, they were)...anyway, we start the game of hide the salami with her on top.....just bouncin around and going to town......then we stand up and do it for a few....then it is time for good ole' doggy pounding...which is fun..........but just as we start up the doggy pounding, guess what happens.................Mistershawns work pager goes off, which means that as soon as he hears it, he will have to run out to where we we, having nowhere to go, stop short of completion and both rush home, hoping it is not discovered by our live in mates that we are a bit late getting home.......

The cool thing after this was that nothing changed at work, no funny looks, no uncomfortable silences, just life as normal......that is cool. Now we move forward a couple weeks later......

I am hanging out with the Midwest Master of Metal, Paul Anaya, and we go out for the evening to have a few drinks.........who do we run into? Yep, Kristen....she kind of hangs all over me this night and I am kissing her by the bar and am spotted by one of Michelles friends. (oops!) Who promptly looks at me rather sternly and shakes her finger.....I kind of laugh it off and forget about it...anyway, that night Kristen and I ended up adjourning to my Pops house, as he and the Oklahoma tribe were out of town.........we proceed to do the deed......and my god that girl can play the flesh flute.......while she is using her hand on and in herself, and sweating and kidding, wish I had an audio recording, it was just cool.

Anway, that is the most entertaining part of the Kristen story............there is a little more, but nothing really exciting........the funny thing is that Amy ran into this girl when she visited Salina a couple years ago, and they talked about me......apparently Kristen gave me a fairly positive review to Amy, which of course Amy had to relay on to here I return the favor........Kristen Hutton, if you by chance read this, you are dynamite in the sack, and play the flesh flute like no other, and that is a skill that no one can take from you.

Oh yeah, the picture is of course Kristen.........from back in the day at some bar in Salina.......there is no song of the day, sorry about that, that will return for the next entry, I wasnt prepared today.

Any feedback on the yellow font? Just trying to mix it up a little bit.

***By the way, just wanted to let everyone know that Miss Megan rocks and we are now chatting on the phone roughly 45 min to an hour each day........we didnt talk on the phone last night and I kinda went thru withdrawls........that is bad. I am all kinds of hung up on her and only wich she lived closer so I could actually spend some time with her..........real time, not just talking about being naughty..........we are now discussing maybe each driving halfway and hanging out in Hays, KS for a day or something.......that would only be a lil over 2 hours each way for each of us. We'll see what happens and will keep the world updated via the blog.......rock and roll.

Motorhead Countdown---20 days remaining.

Posted by Hello

Friday, March 04, 2005

Hello everyone.........just woke up, already 8pm, need to shower and be on my way within about half an hour, so this will be brief.......but I promised Miss Megan I would at least post something on here tonight, and so I am doing it. Hope all is well everywhere......Texas, Kansas, California, Florida, etc......all the places our readers reside in....nothing much exciting is happening here in Nebraska.....the weather is finally turning halfway decent, got up in the 60's today, which is pretty cool......I love this weather........but wait for a couple months......when it gets over 90 outside I will be bitching and complaining. Just found out that the mighty Motorhead show coming to Kearney will feature a 4th band.......a band out of NYC called Slunt......lead by a wacky hottie girl who calls herself Gabbylicious.....on their website, she lists her fave bands as Janes Addiction and cool is that? hahaha a pic of her is posted above......I am getting more and more hyped about this show (is that possible?) Anyway, I know this is a short post, but need to go wash my grubby self and take off for work, counting down til 9:02pm when I will be calling Miss Megan, which is pretty much the highlight of my day (damn, am I a sweet fella or what?) We will have a real good post coming up this weekend, including the Ladies Of Unkle Bry Volum IV: Altoid Girl. Should be a hoot! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Finally woke up and got a shower........I am a tired ninja.....did another 12 hour shift last night, all went well....just feeling like a whiny lil' biznitch.....hahaha. 36 hours in so far this week, and found out that I will be working that means I will have a minimum of 60 hrs this week.......good thing. GREAT NEWS............I am in shock, coming to Kearney, Nebraska..............the mighty Lemmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Motorhead with Corrosion of Conformity and Zeke...........finally a tour with 3 bands that I is a damn miracle.......hopefully it goes on as planned, but on the Motorhead website, it is slated for March 26th......a Saturday night......won't even interfere with work......Lemmy is thoughtful like that.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Another pic of that lazy eyed tramp Paris Hilton....hahaha she is so whacked out I can't help but think she rocks. Posted by Hello

Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution

Hello everyone...again today, not much time for a post. Worked another 12 hour shift last home around 12:30, asleep by 1:30, got up at checking email, etc. 8:00 will be time for shower and then take off for work again around 8:30. I am planning on doing another 12 hour shift tonight....but we will see how I feel when the time comes around.

Miss Megan started training at her new job today....will find out how that went around 9:02 tonight when I talk to her...hopefully all went well.

Got an email from Amy today.......she finally breaks her silence after about a week.......she has a new hottie girl she is chasing, so she has been busy......I will have to leave her another singing voicemail......last week I left her a lovely rendition of Culture Club's "Karma Chameleon" on her voicemail, I think she enjoyed it.

Mistershawn has updated his blog again.....I am impressed....some snazzy pics (including one of me and my little kitty friend Dino) and even a fashion question of the will have to go check it out

Well, it is about time for me to hop in the shower and get ready for work.......hope everyone else had a good day...time for me to start mine.

For a cool download of the day, we have a song from the mighty Junkyard (one of my fave all time bands) This is a demo track that was supposed to be included on their 3rd album, but then Geffen dropped them and the album never got released......damn that David Geffen, he is an idiot.......anyway, check out the song, it is great (as is everything that Junkyard did)