Monday, February 28, 2005

A cool song for the day

Well, not much time to post tonight.....worked a 12 hr shift last night, then got home, slept for 5 1/2 hrs....woke up and got about 15 packages ready to ship getting ready to jump in the shower and wash my naughty bits.....hahahha Anyway, found this cool is one of Fiona Apples demo tracks for the album she was supposed to release a few years back, but the record company didnt like the songs so the are just stuck in limbo....I mean, this one is no "Criminal"...but it is kinda twisted in a Willa Wonka kinda way to me......check it out...her voice is just too cool...

I am all anxious.......get to talk to Miss Megan in a mere hour and 3 minutes : )

No comments at all the past few days on the blog.......and I thought I had written a very entertaining post for everyone to laugh at and comment on........but nooooooo. Oh well...rock and roll.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

He really does do it all for the Nookie

Ok, 2nd post for the day. I found this online and had to let everyone in on it........our favorite whiny angst ridden frontman for Limp Bizkit, good old Fred Durst got his T-Mobile account hacked and this was posted all over the internet a few days and watch, too damn entertaining.....turn up the sound, Fred tells the girl to reach back and "play with my balls and my ass" hahahah Freddy wanted her to play with his balloon knot...on this link, do not right click.....but merely do a regular click, and it will pop up asking if you want to save it, watch it, and fun fun.

Well, crap......they have anti-leech protection, you will have to go here and download it yourself.......but it is worth it, here is the site that has it......easy to find, right under the pics of Fred...

Hello everyone, welcome inside the Electric Circus! (ok, not really, but it sounded good)

Well, it has been a relaxing weekend, didnt have the option of working Saturday this week, so only ended up putting in 48 hours this last week......not that great...hopefully I will be able to have a rock and roll week this week.......shooting for a minimum of 60 hours, but we will see what happens.

I have been chatting daily with Miss Megan, and really digging it......I think I am getting really hung up on her, I know that pretty much every day I sit around and think, "ok....wait for a while to call her, you dont want to look too eager to chat with her, all stalker style or anything"..but then when I talk to her she says a lot of the same things, like "oh I dont want to keep bugging you" hahaha, you all know how that is like...both people trying to make super nice and be all polite and all that stuff....hell, I dont know...just know that talking to her is pretty much the highlight of my day. Ok, now that I sound all sappy and sentimental, we will move on to another topic.

Talked to MizzSparky the other day, her Moms and sister Allison are down in San Antonio visiting her and attending her baby shower....when I spoke with them, they were visiting the Queen of Pedicures in San Antonio, the mighty Stacie....(you can see pics of her below...the hottie blonde gal wearing glasses and pointing at some lovely red toes she had just finished working her magic on)...Stacie was given the web addy of this blog, and she may check it out...If you do check it out, make sure to post a comment! And feel free to send many hot naked pics of yourself to my email! (ok, even non naked pics would be cool)

Former co-worker Mark Matich has checked in from California and posted a comment on the blog...that was pretty cool....of course being a true computer ninja, he had to comment on the low quality of the pics I post (resolution and size, not content).......but, I think the stellar writing and storytelling more than makes up for the pic quality issue.....and Mark...everytime I think of you, I still think of you and Chris Patton double teaming the lady with the dog food breath....that thought is just forever associated with you. Mark got the blog addy from Jason Fiske, who must have checked it out...but failed to leave a comment, that wacky biznitch.......Jay, if you read this...leave a damn comment.

Thanks to Mistershawn, Mizzsparky, Megan (Shaftstalker..hahah), Eyerocker, and Fatherofunklebry for posting comments on a regular basis...makes me smile when I come home from work and there is feedback to check out.

Anyway, ready for some perversion and depravity? Okay, ready, set, is

Ladies of unklebry volume III-Misha (part 2)

Okay, we will pick up the story with a reminder that I am not really digging Misha all that much, she is a cool girl and all, but really stalker-style and constantly just showing I had told her that I didnt want to "see" her like a girlfriend or anything, but if she wanted to keep doing the nasty, then I would continue to do the deed with her whenever I wasnt chasing some other skirt (that is what us cool daddio's call a chick). Anyway, she was down with this and didnt mind playing 2nd string we will pick up there.

At the time, I had a roommate living with me...the Midwest Master of Metal, the mighty Paul Anaya ....anway, one day, Misha was over hanging out and watching tv with us....nothing exciting going on at all...Paul gets up and calls me to the kitchen....he tells me "dude, lets try and get her naked...that will be fun"...I was like, "ok, whatever" we go back to the living room and Paul starts talking about chicks, then starts talking about panties...and asks Misha what kind she is wearing...then he prompts her to show them....and Misha, being the shy and reserved type that she is.....promptly drops trousers and is showing us her emerald green silky style bikini style drawers.....(I remember clearly, because somehow these ended up hanging on my bedroom ceiling fan for a while...put them up there as a joke, and they just stayed for a while)

Anyway, Paul is admiring Mishas silky underthings and I am pretty much just laughing and keep watching tv....then Paul and Misha start whispering to each other....I am thinking- Paul is going to get himself a slice of that...go to town". All of a sudden Paul leaves, goes to the other room, and returns with the video camera...I was just like "whatever"

Misha, never one to shy away from attention, promptly pulls down her shirt and has the boobies out...Paul starts touching them and I am laughing....Paul then prompts me to come over and mess with her boobies on camera...thinking this is going to be funny to watch, I do that....and it is amusing for a few minutes, then I go back to watching tv....Paul and Misha start whispering again and all of a sudden Misha runs over to the couch I am sitting on and pulls down my shorts (remember those wacky Hawaiian print jams?) and starts playing a tune on the flesh flute...I look over at Paul who has a huge grin and the video camera....he says "dude just go with it" I am like whatever...

Misha plays a couple of tunes on the ol' flesh flute and I decide, why not go all the I tell her to stand up and take off her drawers...she does this, then I tell her to assume the position, and I start playing hide the salami with her.....which is fun, but the really funny thing is Paul...who is moving all around us, getting different angles and all that and his comments of "yeah Bry, bang her like you mean it!" make me laugh even while doing the deed...after a while Misha starts to complain that she is tired of being in that position, and wants to see what she looks like on the we sit down (I put back on my shorts..Misha stays naked..Paul still fully clothed)...and start to watch this little masterpiece of cinema.

The video is pretty cool, Paul may have a future in directing flicks for the adult entertainment industry...any Vivid Video reps who read my blog and want to hire him to a multi picture deal, just contact me and we will work out a finders fee. Anway, this gets Misha really turned on, seeing herself being banged on we adjourn to the bedroom....and Paul follows us in...I lay down on the bed and she starts playing my flesh flute again....Paul starts to disrobe and is playing with her pink taco....which is kinda crazy, but remember, I dont care one way or the other about this gal...she is simply a moist place to rest the tubesteak whenever the need comes up...this goes on for a while then Paul announces that he has to pee and will return....the moment he is out of the room, I tell Misha to get up, and turn ther she is on all fours, facing the wall and hanging onto the headboard....Paul returns and I am hitting it that way, so of course Paul really has no option to get in on the action, as her face is right up against the headboard...he is like "damn, dude that is wrong" and adjourns to his bedroom.....I presume to rock a solo mission.

Anway, that was the wackiest adventure with Misha....and a funny memory....the video evidence was destroyed long ago, Misha wanted to take it with her, I refused and yanked the tape out of the video housing and actually burned it out on the driveway....there were a few other Misha stories like her giving the mouth sex in the car and us pulling over and me banging her bent over the car, right on the highway with the car still running....her doing little stripteases in the living room for me and Paul....specifically to the tune "Rumpshaker" by Wrexx N Effects...that kind of thing, but the video incident is the most funny and memorable...

Oh, and the secret thing about Misha that I promised to divulge about her when I first brought her up.....if you are still wondering what lil secret thing I have held back.....

Misha was about 8 months pregnant during this time! ha!

Okay, that was a fun trip down memory lane..........I wonder who I should do for my next entry on here? Have to give that one some thought.

I am going to end the post there for always, comments are appreciated and all that stuff.

The picture of the day posted above is Mistershawn, his son Cody, and Unklebry...this was taken in Wichita, KS long ago when we went there to celebrate Cody's birthday.

Our song of the day is from a fairly new band...but a band that just rules...combine old T Rext stylings with a but more modern chunky guitar riffs, and throw in some of the melodic Cheap Trick singalong kind feel....and you get Crash Kelly...this track is called "She Gets Away" it, listen to it, love it, thank me later for turning you onto them. Hey, you know they are gonna be good, they are on the same record label as the mighty Hanoi Rocks...cant get much cooler than that.

Okay, time to go call Miss Megan!

Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Miss Megan and Unklebry.......thanks for the pic! Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Enjoy your stay in Paris (hahaha)

Everyone has probably heard about Paris Hiltons cell phone getting hacked....with her address book, notes to self, phone book, and pics from this phone splashed all over the internet.......well, me being a bit of a fan of this whacked in the head young lady, I had to search them out......and these 3 pics were the only good ones......the other ones were stupid...she had clothes on and stuff...the brunette in 2 of the pics with her is a VJ from MTV Brazil (at least that is what I read) I zoomed in on these really close in MSPaint, and they look authentic, not pieced together in photoshop or anything...waaahhhh metal.

I missed talking to Miss Megan last phone battery was dead, as I had forgot to plug it in when I got home, and my car charger was conveniently located in my jacket pocket, which was left at home on the chair.........I had taken a couple pics late in the afternoon, sent an email, then went to make a few calls, and the darn thing is I was out of the communication loop.....happy to report that after being plugged in while I slept, I am back to a full charge, and my car charger is sitting right next to my wallet, so it will not be forgotten when I leave today.

This is going to sound all sensitive, emo, and goofy, but what the heck........I really, really missed having a chance to chat with Miss Megan last night, after our chat on Tuesday night (my Wednesday), I spent all night at work thinking about her.....very fun to talk to, and then I log onto email this morning, and she had sent me a pic (the hug pic...which I will post here in the next few posts) of her and me taken long ago.....taken during a weekend we were hanging out with MizSparky.....very cool, made me smile. I also got a voice mail from her, which was cool.......and she referenced the subject "Ladies Of Unkle Bry: Volume III-Misha" saying she wasnt trying to be all stalker style like Misha was.......the only thing is you really cant be kicking it stalker style when Unklebry anxiously awaits your phone calls and it brightens his day when they arrive! Okay, enough me being like that in this public forum....

Oh yeah, also got a voice mail from Pops........sorry I missed your call......will give you a "holla" tonight. I mention this here, because Pops has started to tune in daily, and he ends up reading this more than I actually get to chat with him.

I am anxiously awaiting this weeks "Weekend Edition" of the Kearney newspaper, as I will be scouring the ads for potential places to live.......and then Monday morning after work, I will drive by those that sound interesting and at least get a visual idea of what they are all about...getting very, very anxious to move........I will be broke as a joke after moving, but I think I will be happier in the long run.

The last song I posted a download link for was an 80's classic from the Pet Shop Boys......we will stick with that theme and roll with one of the ultimate 80's bands for todays download.....the mighty "Hungry Like A Wolf" from Duran Duran. Go grab this one and remember your Junior High years.

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Finally awake, but not really feeling rested....oh well, time to get myself all mentally prepared for work and all that stuff.

Time for entry #3 in the "Ladies of Unklebry" series......the subject this time.....Misha.

The experience with Misha began in Salina....I was working at ITI, and Misha came in as a new-hire to work for us. For some reason, she took a liking to me right away, but I didn't really even notice me, she was just another new hire coming in.

I receive a phone call at home from her, supposedly she has a question about work.....I am all asking her "how did you get my number" She just looked me up in the phone book, which I guess was easy enough, but why couldnt she have asked her questions at work? Anyway, we proceed to answer her questions, then just start talking and this stretches into a fairly long chat, nothing intense, just friendly chat about life, etc.

Then a few days later, it happens to be Valentines Day......I receive a dozen roses at work....I am kind of "huh..who are these from"...yep, Misha. She calls me that night and inquires as to how I liked my Valentine.....I told her it was very nice, but I can't "date" anyone from work, as that is just wrong. She understands, and the next day calls in and quits her job...then she calls me up and asks me when we can see each other as we no longer work together.......I am thinking "hmmm..well, this will be an easy score, what the heck" I invite her out for a goes fine, then we head back to my place and do the dirty deed...and I discover something about her that I didnt know........(revealed later in the attention)

This goes on for a while...then she starts to want to be together all the sitting in my driveway waiting for me to get home...calling me all hours of the day and night...and for a time when I was driving to Hutchinson, KS daily for work, there were several times she would be waiting at the Interstate off ramp for me to drive by on my way home....kind of stalker-ish if you ask me, so I told her I didnt want to hang out anymore....any thoughts of "hey, shes a really nice girl" that I had were now totally she just annoyed the hell out of me on a daily basis....even after I told her I didnt want to hang with her anymore....the phone calls, notes on my car, notes on the door of my house, following me around town, all kinds of crazy stuff like that.

I decide, well.....I will keep doin the nasty with her when I strike out elsewhere...(not nice, but she kind of set herself up for it)...I remember one night at "Randy's" (nightclub in Salina) I was all trying to hook up with a gal, and was not having much success....the DJ at the club said "Hey Bry, what are you doing when the club closes".......I kind of looked around, saw Misha standing about five feet away from me, waiting for me to give her some attention....and I responded to him in a very loud voice "I will be taking her home to do the nasty, if I strike out with the hottie that I have been chasing all night"...he laughs and looks over to her and asks if she indeed is cool with being the 2nd string whoopie girl.......she says yes and giggles.

There is one more memorable adventure with her that is indeed kind of harsh and better left unsaid.........................but I will say it, only not tonight.....I have run out of tune in tomorrow for Part II of "The Ladies of Unklebry: The Misha Months"

Our photo for this evening........that is me with a dollar bill in my teeth, hovering over Amy (Lixxgrlz), this pic was taken in Wichita, KS when Unklebry and Mistershawn went to Wichita one time.....after an evening of fun at Glamour Girls, we adjourned to Hopes house to hang out and chat for a bit, and I ended up having a few pics taken with the nifty disposable cam. How Rock and Roll, huh?

Posted by Hello

Just got home from work a little while ago....only worked 8 hours last night, didnt feel up to staying another 4 hours......but plan to do that tomorrow if it is available. An average work night....nothing exciting happened.

On the way to work, I had a chance to talk with Miss Megan again......not sure how, but we cover a lot of weird topics......from Cub Scouts to Venom to Bill Collectors to Butts to get the idea......all over the place....but hey, it keeps the conversation pretty darn interesting.....but if someone was eavesdropping on our calls, they would think we were out of our minds......pretty great, huh?

I was very pleased to see that Mistershawn updated his blog, check it out at the link in the post below. I am tired and must go to bed now.....but will try and get back on here for a more entertaining post later on tonight when I wake up......perhaps we will go with Mistershawns suggestion and do the "Ladies of Unklebry Vol. III-Misha" or maybe not.....we'll see.

Our picture of the moment is a pic of myself and Miss Megan, with her giving me the beloved "Mouth Sex"......hahah okay, not really,, this was her hiding from the camera when MizSparky turned it in our direction........but it does look pretty suspicious, doesnt it? Take my word for it, there was no mouth sex happening at the time of this photo, now a couple hours later............forget that, there were no cameras present at that time.

Our song of the day is going to be something totally out of left field for me The Pet Shop Boys-West End Girls, always thought this was a cool song....go get it and remember the 80's.

Posted by Hello

Monday, February 21, 2005

Good morning everyone......just got home a few minutes ago from work....started the week off with a 12 hour Monday, so that was cool.....all went well and it was a decent day. Ended up chatting on the phone with Miss Megan for quite a while last night.....very cool to be able to play catch up about what has been going on with each of us for the past few years.....she is just killer and fun to talk to, so I will be calling her again tonight.......maybe she will be sick of my voice by then, but we'll see : ) Getting pretty tired right now, so I will end this post and try to wake up with enought time to post this evening before I get ready for work......todays pic is kind of fuzzy and grainy looking.......that is because it is a pic I took with the camera phone of an old picture that I had in my photo album.......this, I believe, was taken in Austin on New Years Eve several years ago.....we (Mistershawn, Mizsparky, and Unklebry) had gone up to Austin to go out and celebrate, and this was us at the hotel prior to dressing up for the evening (Mistershawn felt it was only appropriate that we get all suited up for the evening....and when we did, we did indeed look pretty much like much so that I didnt bother to take any pics....but I think Mizsparky has some of us all dressed up......cannot remember for sure though....I do remember that night Sparky got way liquored and Mistershawn pretty much had to babysit her for the rest of the evening......I ended up taking off and going bar-hopping with some gal from Chicago that I met that night.....and then had her drop me off at the hotel at the end of the night.......only thing was, I had her drop me off at the wrong damn Holiday looked right.......but nope I needed the one clear across town.......duhhhh...had to pay the cab driver guy like fifty bucks to ignore his current call and drive me to the correct hotel........that pretty much sucked) Anyway, have a rock and roll day, and feel free to leave comments......already 3 comments left on yesterdays post, so that was hella cool! Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hello everyone.........just another day in Nebraska all my auction stuff packaged and ready to ship out, but the post office is closed tomorrow for Presidents Day, so I will have to wait until Tuesday to actually mail out.

I also got 2 loads of laundry done (well...almost done, the 2nd load is in the dryer right now, so close enough to claim it as an accomplishment for the day)

I got a chance to speak to the lovely Miss Megan on the phone today for a bit, very nice to play a little bit of catch up with her.....we will also be chatting later while I am on my way to work...she had a scouting awards function to attend this afternoon with lil' Tony, so I am sure I will get to hear all about that, along with catching up with whats been going in her life over the past few years that I havent spoken to her, very cool.

Mistershawn started up a new blog, which anyone interested in can find at

I hope that he keeps up with it, as it would be cool to have a daily (or at least a couple times a week) glance into the life of Mistershawn and MissSparky.

Today my thoughts have been all over the place, and I am not going to write about a lot of it on here, I'll just say I have really been reflecting on life, goals, what things are actually important to me and where I would like to be at (not geographically, but more mentally, financially, and personally) in the next few years. I have already determined that the next 12 months will pretty much be spent trying to get myself 100% back on track financially.....if all pans out the way I want it to, I will be 100% debt free by then, and I will be in a position to kind of start fresh with everything, which will be a great feeling whenever I finally accomplish it. I really do plan on accomplishing this move to Kearney pretty quickly, hopefully by on or around April 1, 2005.

The rest of the day today has been pretty laid back.....not much screeching and yelling from the cast of "Deliverance" upstairs.....which is nice for a change. Waylon was camped out with me for most of the afternoon, trying to help me do my packaging for the auction stuff.....he actually did end up helping out, which was nice, as he usually ends up just getting in the way...maybe this kid can learn something after all.

Josh got a phone call from a friend who is having car troubles, so of course the Master Mechanic took off right away to take control of the situation......I wonder how much the kids parents are going to have to pay a real mechanic to fix whatever Josh and his buddy screw up while they are trying to do their half-ass repairs.

Sheila is at work right now.....she has been working a lot lately...which is great for her....she seems to be doing really well at her new job, which is cool.....but her hoodlum boyfriend will be moving up here from Oklahoma pretty quickly, as he is now out of jail....I just hope she can stick to what she has going on now, and that the jailbird boyfriend doesnt lead her down the path of laziness and drug abuse like he has done before.......I really do hope all goes well for her, but I honestly think everything will start going right down the crapper within a month of his arrival.

Pops took off today to go somewhere....can't remember where (a work thing) and I believe he is gone for the remainder of the least we have the same mobile provider, so we can talk for free......I will probably talk to him at least a couple times during the week to see how all is going for him.

Janett is being pretty laid back the last week......not nearly the amount of screeching and yelling that I have come to expect from her..which is a good thing......but lately all she has been telling Pops is that whenever Sheila moves up to Holdrege (town where she works.....about 20 miles away), she will be going to, I am not sure if she means this to be just a fairly extended visit to her "momma" or if she means she is moving back there for good.........who knows with her....I just hope she stays relatively mellow like she has been this past week.

I dont have much else to chat about for the moment.......but I will say that doing the "Ladies of Unklebry" segment has been very cool, as I have received a bunch of cool comments and emails about it, and it has put me back in touch with Miss Megan........I will probably do another segment here in a few days........but not sure who to profile next........any suggestions from out there.......let a homeboy know who you want to read about. It isnt like there is an endless list or anything, but we still have quite a few candidates to choose from.

Our picture of the day is the cover of the Wildhearts bootleg that I am currently downloading on the slow ass dialup......I have made some progress, I am on track 19 of hopefully I will have the whole thing before I leave for work tonight. Then it is off to download a boot of "Anti-product" which is another side project band of Gingers.

Posted by Hello

Friday, February 18, 2005

Good morning everyone.....just returned home from work, only did 8 hours last night, so I am much more awake than I was yesterday at this time. Fairly laid back night, I was training a new person, it was cool, and she made a lot of progress as the night went on.

Well, Sparky finally forwarded my blog addy to her sister Megan, and Megan wrote to me and included a pic.....the pic above is her taken at Miss Sparky and Mistershawns wedding in July of 2003 (I think that is right)......I saw this pic when I was in TX over the holidays, and thought "damn, look how hot she looks in that pic!"

.....haha anyway, thus begins the "Ladies Of Unklebry" entry on Miss Megan.

The story is set in San Antonio....Miss Sparky and Mistershawn were not really seeing eye to eye at the time and were spending a bit of time apart, (the absence of course making their hearts grow fonder.....although they didnt realize it at the time) I was of course single at the time and pretty much just hanging out and working, not really doing much else......anyway, Sparky called and told me her sister was coming to visit and they wanted to go to NIOSA (Night In Old San Antonio....pretty much a drunk party fest in downtown San Antonio).....did I want to go with them.....I said sure and happily tagged along. I had met Megan a few times over the years, but it had been a while.......first thing I noticed about her was "damn, she has some rockin' blonde hooker hair".....which was basically long blonde wavy hair all moussed and looking hot (I know, it is different from the pic.....but we are talking a few years ago)......anyway, we are down at this big party thing and kind of boozing it up and just having a good old time...we ended up at some bar watching a band or something......honestly I dont really remember exactly....but I do remember Miss Sparky had wandered off and was chatting with a crawdad (not going any further with an explanation of the name as it doesnt really apply to this story) Megan and I had been starting to stand closer and closer to each other throughout the night.....anyway, we were standing there kind of digging the festivities and we started to "accidentally" bump into each other, she was in front of me and I would kind of bump into her butt.....hahah I know, not slick, but what the heck.......anyway, as anyone who knows me well will tell you, I am not much for being aggressive, I just kind of hang back and wait for gals to (hopefully) make the first move......Miss Megan and I started holding hands and whatnot, and next thing I know, she is reaching around behind her and fiddling with the fleshpole.......I was like "rock and roll...this is cool" anyway, that is basically how it all began......I am going to jump forward in time here and just say that that visit was fun, then a few weeks, maybe a month later, she flys back down to Texas to hang out and we spent most of that trip together, it was great......I still remember the final night of that trip.......dont know if she does or not, (mabye she will post a comment and tell us, as she will be reading this).....anyway, started with going out and having some drinks.......if I remember right, that is the night that we went with Mistershawn and another person to the 24kt gold club. Had a rocking good time looking at strippers for a while and knocking back more drinks, then returned to Bry's apartment for the indoor sports segment of the evening.........she took the lead role in the action, playing it like flesh flute for a long glorious time.....then I proceeded to bust out the lotion and give her a all over back/body/butt/all over rub down.....which got me going so much I had to just have her stay laying down like that and proceed with the deed.........I just remember how I probably had this weird twisted up look on my face like '"oh hell!!!!!!!" due to the pleasure of the moment......then the mighty eruption painted a wacky white painting all over the buns, back, almost all the way up to the neck......basically emptied the entire paint bucket was killer! Maybe I am making it greater in my head, as I have relived that moment many times over since then, but in my opinion, it was a grade A experience. The only odd thing is that during the times when we got down.......I never once saw her funbags......she does not like her boobies, and refuses to remover her I cannot even comment on her milkbubbles, as I never saw them..........but I can tell you that she has a silky smooth valley, with a never-ending river running thru it when she gets going (if ya know what I am sayin). As a matter of fact, that river starts flowing almost immediately, and you are like, "damn!" rocked.

Anyway, she flew back to Kansas, we talked on the phone, and via email, then the classic Unklebry move happened........I started to get all hung up on her in my mind.........not anything she did, she was ultra cool the whole time........bit in my head I started to build things up really bigtime and started avoiding her calls and emails, (I know, dumbass move)...I think she tired quickly of me being an idiot, and next thing I knew, she was dating some yahoo guy (Sams Club Boy) and was moving in with him........we pretty much lost touch after that.......last I know of, she is dating a guy who didnt buy her anything for Xmas......not even a card (which would have been lame anyway, but stilll would have shown a smidge of effort).........not sure why, be Megan always seems to hook up with guys who are nowhere good enough for her.....she is a top notch gal---cool, easy to get along with, appreciates the hair metal genre of music, looks great (Hell, check out the pic), and is an overall great catch. Man, I got kind of sappy and emo on that one didnt I?

Sorry, can't help it........I can't say stuff face to face, but when typing stuff out, it just flows......maybe I have a future as a gangsta typist.......what with my flow, but lack of verbal ability?

Anyway, like I said, she will be reading this, and probably will think......"hell, our thing was cool and all that......but dang, that dude is imagining things if he thought it was that good....or maybe not...perhaps she will say in a comment".

Megan.......thanks for sending the pic and not saying right off that I am an ass for writing about you on here...drop me an email or something, and I am gonna shoot you my cell # in an email....not going to post it here for the world to see.

Todays pic of the day, is the lovely Miss Megan, and the song download of the day will have to be something a little kooky ...a cool mashup of Billy Joel and Jay-Z...check it out.

Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Hello everyone.......just got home from working a 12 hour shift.......all was good, but I am damn tired.......will sign on later tonight for a real post.......but had to put up a song real quick for those who need their daily fix of stuff from is Ozzy with the muppets.......pretty damn funny and entertaining if you ask me..

Oh yeah.......finally talked to Jason Fiske last night......have some entertaining stories from that chat......will share them later on.
Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Rock and roll. Good morning to everyone, hope you all are having a great day/night/afternoon, whatever it is for you right now. Just got home a little while ago from work, only worked 8 hours.......a lazy bastard is what I am......damn, I want the cash from overtime, but don't want to expend all the extra effort.......the last 2 nights have been pretty challenging, learning to mold this new stuff, and it is a pain to pull out of the getting a mini-workout every 7 minutes of the night. Oh well, enough whining about that.

I finally broke down and bought a new cell phone yesterday.....todays pic is a cheezy self portrait taken with it a minute ago......pic quality is not too great, but a cool feature that I wanted to have.....never know when a chance for a cool pic is going to come up......and a bonus, it even has a built in flash on the phone. I need to learn all the damn features this thing has, but the book is all kinds of technical and requires patience, maybe I will take it with me tomorrow and read thru it on lunch or something......too much shit to do when I am at home, I need to package up about 5 more ebay items from folks who keep sending damn mail-in payments, hate that, they should all use paypal......anyway, not going to do that today, I am too tired......probably end up doing it Saturday morning like I did last weekend and send them all out at once.

I am a bit sad, Miss Sparky has not left me a blog comment in several days.......what is she thinking......doing her work and resting due to pregnancy, damn.....if I was at home all day with a cable net connection, you can bet I would be a downloading son of a gun........songs, movies, porn, etc.......hahaha all the good stuff!

I was happy I finally got to talk to Amy again, it had been a while, all is going well for her, she got all moved into her new place and sounds happy with it, so that is cool.

I think I will try and give Jason (Breakdancin' Ninja) Fiske a call here in the next couple days, finally dug out his phone number from an email he sent me a while back.........have to get updated on his adventures as of late, which are sure to be interesting, as he always does some wacky stuff.......and now that he is living out in Long Beach, CA........who knows what kind of crap he is into.

Well, that is about it for the moment.......I know, I still havent written the "ladies of Unklebry" entry about Meghan, who is the sister of Miss Sparky.......but I might just wait for Sparky to have her send me a picture of herself to post with Sparky, if you read this, get on the ball and tell her to send me a pic of herself........I have some on my old pc, but dont want to drag that out of the garage and hook it up just to get 1 picture.....I am way too lazy for that.

Our song for the moment is going to be a Wildhearts song.........yep, the greatest band in the world.....this is them doing a killer live version of their song, "Headfuck".......check it out....

Posted by Hello

Monday, February 14, 2005

Okay, just checked out some of the grammy award winners for the year........and let me tell ya, I think the grammy's are a joke. The big winner this year was Ray Charles with 8 grammy's. If he hadnt died, he maybe would have won 1 of them.......probably not even that. I just think that is stupid, giving him all those awards just because he died. Now, don't get me wrong, I think Ray Charles had a great career, recording a lot of very memorable songs and seemed to be a really cool guy (I have yet to see the movie Ray, so this is just based on what I have seen of him on tv over the years), but come on, get real. Give him a lifetime achievement award or something, I am all for that........but to have him win that many awards just makes the USA look like idiots again to all the foreign press who are reporting the grammy awards around the world. Oh, well.......doesnt impact me, so I shouldnt complain about it. I was glad to see Green Day win a grammy......they released a truly killer album this last year.......also very cool to see Motorhead win a grammy, who would have ever thought it........Lemmy at the Grammy's hanging out with folks like Alicia Keys, Beyonce, and all that.....too damn funny....wonder if any of them had ever actually heard Motorhead?

Not much time for anything else at the moment......going to go work on some auction stuff for a bit......maybe I will drop back on here in a little bit.

Oh yeah, the pic above is again the Queen of all pedicures--Stacie in San Antonio......and our song for this post is going to be ......Ray Charles.....hahah yep, I told you he was a good performer.....although he still didnt deserve to win 8 grammy's. This is from the album that won all those awards.......a duet with him and Willie Nelson....and you know Willie is cool.

Download and enjoy. Posted by Hello

Good home from work a little while ago........just checking email and all that, so I decided I would post a little something. Work was cool last night, easy night with no problems.....hopefully that will continue all offered overtime, but decided not to stay the extra 4 hours today.......I probably will do it tomorrow if offered.....all about the cash and everything.

Well, it was just a matter of time, but looks like Josh's car that he just got a few weeks ago is now out of service for good......sounds like he blew the motor......something will anti-freeze in his oil or something.......I am not sure, I wont even pretend to know anything about cars.......but looks like he will have to quit his job at Advance Auto in Kearney, as he will have no way to get back and forth........and in Oxford, the job pickings are pretty slim.....basically nothing that I can think of at all.........who knows maybe he will turn up something.

Well, in yesterdays post I promised some details on the brief romantic interlude with Miss Sparky's sister Meghan..........that will be coming up, but probably later tonight, as I think I am going to turn in and go to sleep for right now........hahah Miss Sparky, if you at home on bedrest reading my blog when you should be getting your work done, you will just have to check back later tonight.......and by the way, the pic above is Miss Sparky and Mister Shawns soon to be born baby, knocking back a cold one after a long day of crapping the diaper and nap taking.

I will also post the first of what will probably end up being 2 songs of the day.......1st one is Marilyn Manson doing "Get Your Gunn" from their first (and best) album.....Portrait of an American Family....was actually looking for the song "Cake and Sodomy" as that one is even better, but couldnt find a direct link anywhere to download that one........this one is also great, so download it and enjoy.

Ohhh...yeah, we have a potential new reader today, Stacie from work.....if you read this, Hi! Dont forget to leave a comment and say hello. is the song, download it and be happy.

Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Unkle Bry

Unkle Bry

Our friend Mistershawn is very much into the Pirate Rock movement, so I am posting this interview link.......a band called the One Eyed Jacks that he should go check out........they are at the forefront of the Pirate Rock movement. Check out the interview at:

I think it is pretty darn entertaining.

Good morning everyone. Well, sorry for the lack of blog entries the past few days, just been a lazy bastard I guess. Anyway, Saturday I ended up working, wasn't a mandatory day, but I volunteered as I am all about the money.....on the way in to work I had a nice talk with Miss Sparky....nice to catch up with her a little bit......she is now on bedrest until she pops out the baby, so she will probably be a daily visitor to this page, and she will most likely leave comments every day...(hint,,,,hint) hahah Anyway, everytime I talk to either her or Mistershawn, it makes me think about how much I really do miss them....the past couple years, they have done a lot of growing up.....I saw that a lot when I visited for xmas.....not that they act old or anything......just much more mature and grown up......they really have their shit together......I am moving in that direction, but am not up to their level yet......they really impress me sometimes. Okay, enough swinging from their sack.........hahah When I got home from work about 8:30 Saturday morning, I ended up packaging up all the ebay stuff I had to ship out, which wasnt that bad....only about 20 that all done and made it to the post office before they closed, so I am all caught up now except for the 2 people that mailed in payments......will knock those out tonight and take them with me to work.....then I can stop at the Post Office on the way home and get them out. I did some work on my upcoming "mega" about 30 album listings done......far short of the 100 that I wanted to get done......but I will probably work on it some more after I take a nap, should wake up around 3 or 4 which will give me plenty of time to get some done before my 8:00 showertime. Last night Janett actually cooked up some chicken enchiladas and spanish rice........hella tasty, I was impressed. I tried to call Amy again a few times this weekend.........that chick does not EVER answer her phone........or maybe she is just pissed at me for some unknown reason and doesnt answer.....I dunno.....she did just move into a new place, I believe last weekend, or maybe it was this weekend that is just ending.....who knows, I will try and reach her via email this week and see whats up. Sparky and I were talking about stuff I should write about on idea we came up with was discussing some of the adventures I have had with the ladies in my life.......not really anything too graphic, but kind of describing them, their personality, interests, that kind of thing......oh, and also discussing things like their boobs.......hahah I think I may have to just do that, probably attract a few more readers with some of that kind of I decided to use a pic of one of the gals that I "hung out" with for a short time......todays picture is "Sunshine".....real name is Melissa.....last known location...San Antonio, TX. I met her at her place of employment, the 24k Gold Club in San Antonio......yep, she was an "entertainer"....and this picture was taken at that club.....not by me though, it was taken by some guy who did an ad for the club they had on the net.....anyway, she was a very sweet gal.......very friendly and laid back...but kind of lacking in the ambition department.......basically if she had her way, she would lay around all day smoking pot and listening to the Pantera album "Vulgar Display of Power" over and over again. Not that there is anything wrong with that album.....I like it quite a bit, but it does get old after a while, and the pot thing is kind of old least for me......I think it smells like someones underarms who havent bathed in there really wasnt any long term future for us or anything........I saw her at her work all the time for a while, and we went out to have drinks, listen to music, etc. I believe 4 times.....and yep, we did engage in a game of hide the salami.....on 2 seperate occasions....and if I can compliment her on something here without being too crude......her "point of entry" was the smallest one on any gal I have ever kidding I was like....."Man....that thing is so small!" I am not a John Holmes kind of guy (not even close) but I was worried about parking in a space that small if you know what I mean. Anyway, it did indeed work fine after you coaxed it into action. You can't really tell from this pic, but she had one of the greatest butts of all time....especially in high heels and a little, one look at that and I was hooked......then you talk to her and she is really cool, knows good music, checks out the other chicks in the bar with you instead of getting mad at you for doing it.....all that, a helluva gal......maybe one day she will settle down and make some guy very happy.....hell, maybe she has already, I have no idea......all I can say is that my time with her was very cool, and way too short......would have enjoyed spending more time with her, but guess it just wasnt in the cards. And yes, that is a tattoo above her left boob.....if I remember right, it is a warrior princess kind of design, with a Nordic beauty holding her sword, ready to go out on the tundra and slay a mighty beast for the evening meal.......haha okay, a blonde chick, sword in hand, boobs out........I remember her telling be she wore a tank top around her Dad one day and he saw it....his comment "what are you a damn lesbian or something"......her comment back to him .."depends on the day and if the girl is hot or not"......hahah classic. Our song of the day is going to be a track called "Downtown Downer" a band called The Hybrid Children....not a famous band, but they should be.......maybe one day they will break out of Helsinki, Finland and come tour in the U.S. of A.........but I doubt it......anyway a killer song.....get it and enjoy ...remember one of the greatest rock and roll bands of all time came from Finland.....the mighty Hanoi Rocks, who knows maybe these guys will step up to the plate and carry on the tradition. here it is I may get on here for another entry a bit later tonight.......who knows, anyway, leave a damn comment.......and Sparky, make sure and forward the blog link to your sis Meghan, as she will be featured in an upcoming segment of "Unklebrys ladies" hahahaha Yep, Unklebry spills the dirt.......or not? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Another uneventful night..........woke up about an hour ago and had a fine dining experience......tonight was Schwanns chicken breast type things with chicken flavored pasta......not a fancy meal, but downright tasty. I still didnt accomplish a darn thing on the auctions that I wanted to get done.......ended up getting home from work, then watching tv for a while and falling asleep. For some reason I am finding it extremely difficult to get motivated........I set my alarm to wake up at 4pm today, ended up hitting snooze until after 6pm.......oh well, nothing I can do about it now.......I just need to get to work on that stuff right when I get home or something.......we will see if that happens tomorrow. I cannot wait to move up to Kearney........being very paranoid about being late, I always end up getting there about 45 minutes early every with drive time both ways, that puts almost an extra 3 hours daily onto my day.............and also, the Pops homestead is becoming more and more of a madhouse every day.........what used to be somewhat amusing hijinks from the Oklahoma clan now annoy the hell out of me........not their fault....they are just being themselves.......I am just becoming more and more grumpy......I dont like being around them screaming at each other constantly, it annoys is to the point where on my day off, I try and find ways to stay away from the house just so I dont have to be around all the noise and stupidity..............the only time it is even halfway normal is when the Oklahome posse go on one of their big Wal Mart adventures and it ends up being just me and Pops here.........then all is good. Anyway, as I said, getting very anxious to move up to Kearney........need to set a target date for the move......I am thinking middle of March.....or even perhaps April 1.......not 100% sure yet.....I will start looking at the rental ads in the paper here this weekend and start driving by potential places......not really needing anything fancy, and dont need tons of room, just want somewhere neat and clean. Man, reading back over this, I sound like kind of a whiny lil bitch boy........oh well. I will find out tonight if we have to work Saturday.....I actually hope we do work, as I havent had any overtime yet this week yet........if it ends up being a voluntary, I will be signing up. Had a meeting at work last night about the explosion that destroyed the Kinston, NC plant (it did the same type work that we do) turns out that it was a dust a nutshell, polyethylene dust had accumulated si the space between the drop ceiling and the 2nd floor........this somehow managed too get into the cooling ducts for a large industrial type electric motor......somehow (they dont know how) this dust got agitated into a dense cloud around the motor, and the normal sparking of the brushes in the motor ignited this dust cloud........which moved across the space between the drop ceiling and the 2nd floor, feeding itself and gaining energy, until it finally grew so huge it ended up blowing the walls, roof, etc off the place......if I remember right there were 4 people killed, and several more injured.....the whole place was destroyed both from the blast, and the fire after the blast.....can't imagine what was going through those guys heads when a huge explosion happens right in your workplace.......I worked with several of the folks who were there when it happened.........they were temp. relocated here to Neb. for a while.......but they didnt talk much about the event, and it isnt the sort of thing you want to bring know "tell me about the day when your co-workers got blown up" Anyway, the company has taken every possible step to ensure this type of thing cant happen in the other plants......and are touring all the plants showing us pictures, diagrams, etc and explaining the whole thing......which I thought was pretty stand up of would have been easier and cheaper to send a memo, but this was much better. I have more that I want to write about, but am running out of it is time for me to go shower and prepare for work.......maybe I will write some more in the morning when I get of the day today is the mighty Corrosion Of Conformity doing Clean My Wounds---a killer song, they are getting ready to release a new record and go out on tour, saw them once in Lawrence, KS and they were great.....that night they played with Machine Head and Drain STH...all 3 bands were great, a very fun night. Download the song here And today our picture of the day is my buddy Mistershawn dozing away in the chair when i went to visit over the xmas holiday in San Antonio. I'm sure he will be thrilled to check this out and see a pic of himself sleeping....hahaha Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Good evening everyone..........just got out of the shower........I was a lazy bastard today....after I got home from work, I watched tv for a while......then got all wrapped up in "The Buddy Holly Story".........forgot what a good movie that is.......anyway, I had to watch the whole know, couldnt remember how it ended......hahaha, anway, finally got to sleep around 11am, then slept thru til 8pm, showered and now it is about time to leave again..........damn, not getting much accomplished at all. I havent even worked any overtime yet this week........oh well, I am declaring this week a "take it easy week" Talked to Tom Haerich last night for almost an hour, that was cool kind of playing catch up with him.......told him about this blog, as he is the one who sort of inspired the whole thing, as he is the ultimate writer of journal.......he has been doing it for quite a while, and is up to his 10th volume..........Cant believe he is getting married.........well, forget that........It isnt that surprising, he falls hard and fast for girls........but I was still surprised that he got into so quickly after the split up with Tammy......with her hounding him so much to get married and all that.....didnt think Tom would be in the mode to jump into it with someone else that quick.........but it does sound like the boy is happy with this gal, so hopefully it goes good. I have not been able to reach Amy for a long ass time now...I swear it has been over a month since I have actually talked to her vs. email or voicemail........oh well, I am gonna try and give her a call again tonight, but I am about 99.99% sure that I will just get voicemail again. Mizz Meredith dropped by and busted out another comment, so a big shout out to her........she is supposed to be starting a blog, I will be keeping an eye out for that...............anyway, not much else happening tonight, and it is now time for me to leave for work...........todays picture of the day is Gwen Stefani........looking all glammed up and trampy, but oh so sexy........yes, Gwen is the perfect woman, except for the fact that she is married to Bush man, Gavin.........who used to accept the weenie in his backside from Boy George..........which is fine with me......wish he would go back with Boy and leave Gwen for me....that would be pretal metal of him. Our song of the day is the Los Lonely Boys doing was all over the radio for a while, but now that it need to download it and listen to it once a is that good of a song... anyways, here it is and have a festive day Posted by Hello

Monday, February 07, 2005

Hello, welcome to my nightmare.......haha just kidding. Arrived home from work about 15 minutes ago.........decent night, only 8 hours worked, so I am not that tired at all. I am working on a "specialty" project right now......there are currently 2 people trained to mold these products, but one of those folks is going to 2nd shift, so I was selected to be trained as his replacement, which is pretty cool, no additional pay or anything.......but cool to be chosen for it. Anyway, that was about the excitement at work..........something very funny happened yesterday though......Dad shared this story with me just as the Super Bowl was starting.......apparently Josh had taken a shower yesterday morning (downstairs bathroom) and then shortly after that Janett decided she was going to take a, normally she bathes upstairs.....but for whatever reason she chose to shower downstairs.......anyway, she goes to get in the shower, putting her shampoo and whatever on the little shower shelf thing and notices on the back wall of the shower a big load dripping down........she runs out of the bathroom, locates Dad and yells to him that Josh was "whackin' off" in the shower.....hahahahha I think that is too damn also made me thing......usually when you are in the shower, there is water flowing and splashing about everywhere.....if he unleashed a load on the shower wall that was still that easily detected, it must have been a whopper.........I mean damn! Maybe instead of mocking him or complaining about it, she should be like "you should see the load my son shot.......he must have saved up a week for that one!" because in my mind, a load that huge is something to be rather proud of.......but then again, maybe I am just an oddball. Mistershawn and Sparky are still stumped as to the mystery boob pic posted below......every time I talk to him he gives me another is it her? Or her....or her? You get the point........thus far he has not guessed correctly.........and the bad thing is, when he finally does (if he does) guess correctly, I shouldnt tell him he is correct, as I should really keep the identity of the mystery mammary woman a secret..........damn, being an upstanding young citizen with good morals is tough : ) Well, I have to run for the moment......told Sheila I would run her up to the bank........I will have the story of her and her convict boyfriend coming up soon........some new developments in that arena over the last couple days.......anyway, leave me a comment and say hello, I havent had any comments for a couple days, so that is kind of a bummer. The download song for the moment is a treasure from Ginger of the Wildhearts playing an acoustic set somewhere and covering the Cheap Trick classic "Surrender", which is very appropriate since I have always said that the Wildhearts sound like Cheap Trick on speed or something, anyway, grab this jem of a song at I know that is a long link, but is Ginger from the happy with it! Our picture today is King Lemmy........face it, Lemmy is the real King of rock n' roll! Posted by Hello

Friday, February 04, 2005

Good morning to everyone.......just got home from work and decide to pop on here for a second.........Amy finally broke down and registered so she can comment up on this thing.........right I know of at least 5 people who have looked at this thing......and hey.......if you read this, pass the address along to anyone you know that I know.......I have been out of touch for so long, it would be cool to get some comments from people I havent talked to in ages.........and if you just stumble across this page and find it fascinating, feel free to pass the address along to your friends........tell them they need to leave a comment and at least say hi though.....dammit! I finally enabled the ability to post anonymous if someone wants to be all stealthy like a ninja and tell me I am an asswipe.....I wont even know who you are. Anyway, as I mentioned, just got home from an easy night at work......only 8 hours, and really only worked about 2 hours.......the other 6 hrs my machine was down, and I did random tasks which were quite easy, so that was cool........another 8 hours tonight and then I will be at my whopping 1 day weekend........woohoo! When I stopped to get my 44oz refill for the drive home, I bought a scratch off lotto ticket and won 7 bucks.....kept 5 and bought 2 more tickets......won 2, got 2 more tickets.....lost on both......oh well, free 44oz coke and 3 bucks more than I went in with......not a bad deal. I am still planning on being mega-auction boy this weekend......I think if I have a fairly easy night at work, I may just go at it right when I get home, and wait to go to sleep.......that is probably the best time for me to get some work done anyway, no one else around to bother me........which is a good thing. Pops just came downstairs to say hello, then said "wait, I will talk to you in a minute.......I have to pee"........hahaha it is true..but I just typed it because he reads this and will get a kick out of me talking about it on here. Anyway, back to what I was saying......gonna be mega-auction weekend, at least that is the plan. No new happenings from the white-trash-tribe-kinda relative group this week really, Josh finally got his car running.....which is a good thing, Waylon continues to lie a lot......he traced a horse head and insists to me that he drew it freehand..........Janett bummed a smoke from me (whoops bought.....she insisted on giving me 20cents....I told her it was okay I didnt want it......she laid it on my stuff, so what the heck)........Sheila.....I have only seen her for a few minutes the entire week, so no news on her. Well, enough about me for the moment........todays download link is a good are 21 complete Rollling Stones albums you can download.....including most of the old good stuff......go get them while they are still there And the picture for today is the mighty hand of metal protecting the world.....aww yeah! Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Well, not much happening today.......worked a regular 8 hour day last night.......then came home and downloaded some music for a while......then off to sleep. Woke up a while ago and ate some was pretty good, but nothing like Sparky's.........So far this week, havent completed squat on my "big" auction listings......hahah what a shocker.....feel like I am wasting too much time sleeping and not getting a lot accomplished. Oh well......I did sign up to work Saturday, so another short 1 day weekend this week.........I still plan to get a lot of auction crap done, just have to discipline myself to sit down and do it instead of wasting time sleeping : ) Hopefully we will get a report from Mr Shawn on how the performance from the mightily named "And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead......." on the Late Late Show tonight.......I, of course, will be at work when this is on, so I will miss out ont he festivities. The song of the day today is going to be the mighty Ironboss.......doing a killer cover of the Van Halen classic "Everybody Wants Some"......I like this one a lot here is the link Go hook yourself up on that one and enjoy it. Our photo of the day is me enjoying a lovely nap during the Xmas holiday and my little kitty friend Dino curling up to join me.......isnt that cute. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

No time for much of a post tonight.....worked a 12 hour shift last night, then came home and slept....woke up, took a shower and now getting ready to leave for work again......Saturday this week is voluntary, but I think I will probably sign up to work it.......what can I saym, I am a go-getter.........okay, no....I am just a greedy bastard who wants the money. The song of the day is Ginger from The Wildhearts doing his version of the Kiss song "Hard Luck Woman"...this is Ginger playing it live and acoustic at a record store appearance should listen to it, Ginger basically rules. here is the link Download it and be happy to have heard it. Pic of the day is my flaming dice tatt. Reminds me of the really cool night I got it.......mistershawn got a koi fish tattoo....Sparky and Jen went to see Russell Crowe play live......stayed up in Austin at the hotel with the Cafe Au Bon Pain......awww yeah, a very fond memory! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Just found a place to download the Neil Young "Decade" ya go I am a nice fella, huh? Posted by Hello
I am a happy ninja right now.......finally got my 2nd W2 in the mail today and just finished filing my taxes on Telefile.....getting back almost $1400 bucks from federal..........that is way cool........just what I needed to add to my little buffer cash to get ready for the move to Kearney........still planning on getting someplace all ghetto fabulous and cheap......but at least I wont have to drive 2 hours a day........and I probably wont spend a heck of a lot more than the $200-$250 (depending on gas prices at the time) that I am spending every month on gas right now anyway. Remember, this is the Midwest, stuff is cheap when compared to the city. Anyway, off to grab some sleep, but at least I will have a smile on my face while I slumber.....I wonder how damn long it will take before I get my refund.....if I remember right last year took like 3 or 4 weeks.......oh well, I will need a while to get rid of a ton of crap I still want to unload on ebay........this weekend, I will be spending the whole weekend listing stuff........maybe I can get 2 or 3 hundred albums listed..........or maybe I am overestimating my ability to sit still and get it done : ) We will find out................Much love to all my Peeps......send me an email and say hello, I am lonely here in the middle of nowhere. Posted by Hello

Well, got home from work and just killing a little time waiting till the post office of the crappy things about a really small town, the post office isn't open all day long like in a normal community. Last night at work went fine......only worked 8 hours, didnt feel like staying another 4.....oh well, I probably will do another 12 hour day tomorrow if it is available. Nothing new and exciting has happened since I posted last night, but I did manage to dig out this picture of Amy giving a little tongue action to her old flame Connie........hahah Amy probably forgot all about this picture........maybe seeing it up here will prompt her to at least send me an email or something.......she has been not communicating for a while..........well, I havent sent her any emails maybe it is my fault! Oh well, she knows about this blog, so she will get a shocker when she logs on and sees a pic of her and Connie ticklin' tongues......hahah that was a fun night......Me, Amy, Connie, Josh (Amy's brother), and Paul (Anaya.......the metal ninja from Salina) all went down to Wichita and ended up going to Glamour Girls and then to Jezebelles.......if I remember right, we had a better time at Glamour Girls........Josh was trying hard to pick up one of the strippers, but it didnt work......I gotta give the boy credit tho'.......he was persistent. Posted by Hello